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Overview of the common urological diseases

Prostatic diseases

Infections in the younger age group and prostatic enlargement in older age group either due to Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) or cancer are the common conditions affecting prostate. We have the up-to-date diagnostic and treatment facilities at the hospital for the above conditions.

The symptoms caused by prostate enlargement vary widely from getting up frequently in the night, going to toilet frequently in the day, slow flow of urine to blood in urine and urinary retention. Some of these symptoms may be due to cancer of the prostate. Early diagnosis can lead to cure. Cancer can be detected at an early stage by screening for cancer by performing a blood test for PSA and by doing a biopsy of prostate (TRUS biopsy).

We provide both bipolar TURP as well as laser treatment of the prostate (Thulium Laser enucleation of prostate- latest laser treatment) for BPH and open and laparoscopic radical prostatectomy for cancer of the prostate.

Stone disease

Holmium laser facilities available in the hospital enables even the hardest stone and difficultly placed stones to be treated. Laser allows us to turn the stone to dust thereby minimizing repeat stone formation.

Flexible ureteroscopy allows us to reach the difficultly placed stones in kidney and ureter which previously was treatable only by invasive surgery like PCNL.

We also provide comprehensive stone prevention advice including specialised test to prevent stone formation.

Stone not amenable to treatment by flexible ureteroscopy can be treated by PCNL. We provide miniature version of PCNL called mini-PCNL which is less invasive than the standard technique thereby preventing injury to the kidney and minimising blood loss.

Holmium laser also enables to treat urethral stricture and bladder tumors with minimal blood loss.

Urological Cancers

We provide comprehensive diagnostic and treatment service for all types of urological cancers like kidney cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer and penile cancer. The key to cure of all cancers is finding it early. Surgery will be the gold standard of treatment if identified early. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy has a role in the management of urological cancers identified at a later stage. We have a dedicated multidisciplinary oncology team comprising medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, nuclear medicine specialist as well as pathologist and radiologist to provide the latest treatment for even the most advanced cancers. We discuss all the patients diagnosed with cancer in a weekly multidisciplinary meeting to try and find the optimal treatment option for a particular patients taking into consideration the specific wishes of the patient and their family.

At Dr Rela Hospital, we offer all types of laparoscopic procedures for all types of urological cancers enabling quicker recovery of patients

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. About 50% of men above 50 years of age suffer from it. Erectile dysfunction has many causes, most of which are treatable.Vascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, renal diseases, neurological disease, smoking, alcohol are few of the causes. We offer a full diagnostic and treatment service for this condition including penile implants depending on the response to treatment.

Male Infertility

Infertility is currently a problem in one out of five couples trying to have children. If after a year of trying to conceive a couple is not successful, a basic infertility evaluation may be started. Infertility testing involves a complete medical history and physical examination of both partners. Blood tests including hormonal evaluation and radiological investigations are needed to identify the cause.

Semen evaluation and rarely testicular biopsy may be needed in men. Treatment depends on the cause of infertility. Education, counselling, medications to treat infections and to improveovulation, along with fertility treatments such as assisted reproductive techniques [IUI, IVF, ICSI].

Varicocele or dilated veins above testicles are found commonly in evaluation of men with infertility. Availability of a high power microscope in the hospital enables us to do Micro Surgical Varicocelectomy which has the best cure rates for varicocele surgery. We also offer laparoscopic varicocele ligation for the same condition. This will lead to improved sperm counts.

Urinary incontinence

Many females suffer from leakage of urine while coughing or straining but suffer in silence. This can be cured by appropriate diagnosis and treatment putting an end to silent suffering for many years. Radiological studies and additional bladder studies such as Urodynamics and cystoscopy may be required. Surgical management for such conditions include TVT, TVTO/TOT, Surgical treatment for pelvic organ prolapse [pelvic floor repair] is also available.

Many males also suffer from incontinence after surgery for prostate cancer or TURP. This can be treated by slings or sphincter placement.

Urethral stricture

We provide diagnosis and treatment of anterior urethral strictures even for complex urethral strictures including single stage and staged urethroplasty including buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty.

Speciality areas

  • Holmium laser for stones
  • Flexible cystoscopy to enable cystoscopy under local anesthesia
  • Flexible ureteroscope to enable minimally invasive surgery for stones in kidney and for difficult stones
  • TRUS biopsy service
  • Urodynamics service
  • Male incontinence treatment
  • Penile prosthesis insertion
  • Advanced laparoscopic procedures
  • Renal Transplant


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