
Department Of Ophthalmology

Ophthalmology is the field of medical study which pertains to the conditions of the eye. Ophthalmologists specialize in the treatment and diagnosis of such ailments and also perform corrective surgeries like laser therapy.

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Department Overview

The eyes have been crowned as “windows to the soul” but that epithet does not do these sensory organs justice. From watching our favorite shows to paying attention to a presentation at work, our eyes are indispensable. The quality of vision should never be compromised and at Rela Hospital, we strive to ensure just that. State-of-the-art equipment and an excellent track-record of our team are the pillars of DRela Hospital’s ophthalmology department.

What is ophthalmology?

Ophthalmology is the field of medical study which pertains to the conditions of the eye. Ophthalmologists specialize in the treatment and diagnosis of such ailments and also perform corrective surgeries like laser therapy.

Types of Vision

There are various states of vision and each of them require a unique corrective measure to ensure normal sight. The most common conditions are expounded below.


Emmetropia refers to a state of vision in which images formed on the eye are clear, precise and focused. In common parlance, emmetropia is known as 20/20 vision. Corrective measures are not required in this state.


Nearsightedness is a condition in which faraway objects appear blurry. But objects at a distance are clear to the eyes . Also known as myopia, this condition occurs if the cornea is too steep or the eye is too long. In the eye’s suffering from this condition the images get focused in front of the retina instead of on it. One suffering from this condition requires glasses, contacts or lens implants . This condition is curable with corrective surgery.


Farsightedness is a condition in which nearby objects appear blurry. But objects close to the eyes are clear. Also known as hypermetropy, this condition occurs if the cornea is too flat or the eye is too short. In the eye’s suffering from this condition the images get focused behind the retina instead of on it. One suffering from this condition requires glasses, contacts or lens implants . This condition is curable with corrective surgery.


Astigmatism occurs in eyes where the cornea is not shaped perfectly. Due to this images get focused behind or in front of the cornea instead of on it. This results in blurry vision, double images, shadow formation and ghosting. Astigmatism generally requires corrective LASIK surgery. In some cases glasses, contacts or lens implants could also do the trick.


Presbyopia is a condition that occurs with increasing age. Usually found in people in their mid-40’s. This condition is a result of the eyes losing its ability to focus on objects close by. Overtime presbyopia affects everyone and the condition can continue to deteriorate with age. One suffering from this condition requires glasses, contacts or lens implants . This condition is curable with corrective surgery.

Most Common Problems of the Eye

Refractive Errors

Refractive errors of the eye is very common. This order results in blurry vision and could even lead to visual impairment. Refractive errors are difficult to prevent. But with early detection and correction we can prevent visual impairment.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Macula is part of the human eye located at the center of the retina. It helps the eye produce sharp, clear and straight-ahead vision. It handles all our central vision and most of our colour vision.

AMD or Age-Related Macular Degeneration occurs when any damage happens to the Macula. AMD causes a drop in our central field of vision.

There are 2 types of AMD

  • a.) Dry Macular Degeneration: Results in the deterioration at the center of the Retina
  • b.) Wet Macular Degeneration: Caused by leaky blood vessels growing under the retina.

Symptoms of AMD are blurry vision, spots in images, difficulty in perceiving colour. Treatments for AMD include medications to reduce disease progression and corrective surgery.


A Cataract is an opacification of the lens of an eye. This prevents the lens from forming clearer images. Cataract develops over time, forming a cloudy layer on the lens of the eye.

Cataracts can cause blurry vision, difficulty in driving, inability to read facial expressions. Cataract treatment includes replacing the cloudy lens with clearer artificial lens by Cataract surgery.

Diabetic Retinopathy

As the name suggests, diabetic retinopathy is a diabetic complication in the eyes. Damages to the blood vessels in the tissue at the retina causes diabetic retinopathy.

There are 4 stages of Diabetic Retinopathy.

  • a.) Mild Non Proliferative Balloon like swelling in small areas of the blood vessels in the Retina
  • b.) Moderate NonProliferative Blockage in a few blood vessels in the Retina
  • c.) Severe Non Proliferative Higher number of blood vessels in the retina get blocked. Causing a drop in blood flow to certain areas of the retina.
  • d.) Proliferative In this most advanced stage, extra blood vessels start to grow in the retina. But they will be weak and fragile. This causes leakage of blood that causes impairment of vision.

Proper diabetes management and regular eye checks is an effective cure as well preventive measure. In severe cases surgical corrections are also done.


Glaucoma is the result of damages to the optic nerve. These damages result in blind spots. Increased pressure in the eyes is often seen as the cause for these damages to the optic nerve.

Glaucoma can be categorized into five major types:

  • a.) Open-Angle (Chronic) Glaucoma A common type of Glaucoma, this causes a slow degradation of your vision. The slowness of the degradation makes it almost impossible to detect early. Permanent damages may occur to the eyes before the first symptoms show up.
  • b.) Angle-Closure (Acute) Glaucoma Aqueous Humor Fluid is a fluid produced by the eyes to maintain eye in a pressurized state. Blocking of the flow of this, immediately creates a painful increase in pressure. Angle-closure glaucoma requires immediate supervision from a doctor.
  • c.) Congenital Glaucoma Congenital glaucoma is a hereditary eye defect. Kids born with this defect suffer from a defect in the angle of the eye. This prevents normal fluid drainage. Common symptoms include cloudy eyes, high light sensitivity and excessive tearing.
  • d.) Secondary Glaucoma This is often a side effect of an eye injury or another ailment in the eye. Certain eye medications and in rare instances eye surgery cause Secondary Glaucoma.
  • e.) Normal Tension Glaucoma

Sometimes optic nerves get damaged with no increased eye pressure noted. Extreme sensitivity or lack of blood flow to the optic nerve are often factors in this.

Anti-Glaucoma medications and laser surgery are the common treatments done.


Amblyopia is colloquially known as lazy eye. Often found in young children, this condition makes the brain favor one eye over the other. It is caused by the inadequate stimulation of the nerve pathways between an eye and the brain.

Corrective EyeWear, Eye Patches, Eyedrops, Surgery etc are some of the common treatments.


A condition caused by the improper alignment of the 2 eyes. Strabismus is colloquially known as cross eyes.

There are different types of Strabismus. Categorized based on the direction of the turned eye.

  • Inward turning (esotropia)
  • Outward turning (exotropia)
  • Upward turning (hypertropia)
  • Downward turning (hypotropia)

Many effective treatments are available for Strabismus. Corrective EyeWear, Eye Exercises, Surgery, etc., are the most common treatments.

Rela Hospital’s Ophthalmology Department

Rela Hospital’s ophthalmology department offers the very best expertise available in ophthalmology.

  • A team of experts up to date in the latest advancements in the field of ophthalmology.
  • Machinery equipped with the current technology.
  • Experience of handling 1000’s of patients and procedures.

Rela Hospital’s Ophthalmology department has the know-how to diagnose any eye problems. With Rela Hospital you can get a solution to all your eye problems both simple and complex. At Rela Hospital we perform complex surgical procedures and prescribe corrective measures.

Rela Hospital is equipped to meet your comprehensive eye care needs. With Rela Hospital at your service you can relax knowing you are in safe hands.


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Diseases and Conditions

Most Common Problems of the Eye

  • Refractive Errors.

Refractive errors of the eye are very common. This order results in blurry vision and could even lead to visual impairment. Refractive errors are difficult to prevent. But with early detection and correction, we can prevent visual impairment.

  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Macula is part of the human eye located at the center of the retina. It helps the eye produce sharp, clear and straight-ahead vision. It handles all our central vision and most of our colour vision.

AMD or Age-Related Macular Degeneration occurs when any damage happens to the Macula. AMD causes a drop in our central field of vision.

There are 2 types of AMD

  •  Dry Macular Degeneration:- Results in the deterioration at the center of the Retina
  •  Wet Macular Degeneration:– Caused by leaky blood vessels growing under the retina.

Symptoms of AMD are blurry vision, spots in images, difficulty in perceiving colour. Treatments for AMD include medications to reduce disease progression and corrective surgery.

  • Cataract

A Cataract is an opacification of the lens of an eye. This prevents the lens from forming clearer images. Cataract develops over time, forming a cloudy layer on the lens of the eye.

Cataracts can cause blurry vision, difficulty in driving, inability to read facial expressions. Cataract treatment includes replacing the cloudy lens with clearer artificial lens by Cataract surgery.

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

As the name suggests, diabetic retinopathy is a diabetic complication in the eyes. Damages to the blood vessels in the tissue at the retina causes diabetic retinopathy.

There are 4 stages of Diabetic Retinopathy.

  •  Mild Non-Proliferative Balloon like swelling in small areas of the blood vessels in the Retina
  •  Moderate NonProliferative Blockage in a few blood vessels in the Retina
  •  Severe Non-Proliferative Higher number of blood vessels in the retina get blocked. Causing a drop in blood flow to certain areas of the retina.
  • Proliferative In this most advanced stage, extra blood vessels start to grow in the retina. But they will be weak and fragile. This causes leakage of blood that causes impairment of vision.

Proper diabetes management and regular eye checks is an effective cure as well preventive measure. In severe cases surgical corrections are also done.


Glaucoma is the result of damages to the optic nerve. These damages result in blind spots. Increased pressure in the eyes is often seen as the cause for these damages to the optic nerve.

Glaucoma can be categorized into five major types:

  • Open-Angle (Chronic) Glaucoma: A common type of Glaucoma, this causes a slow degradation of your vision. The slowness of the degradation makes it almost impossible to detect early. Permanent damages may occur to the eyes before the first symptoms show up.
  • Angle-Closure (Acute) Glaucoma:  Aqueous Humor Fluid is a fluid produced by the eyes to maintain eye in a pressurized state. Blocking of the flow of this, immediately creates a painful increase in pressure. Angle-closure glaucoma requires immediate supervision from a doctor.
  • Congenital Glaucoma:  This is a hereditary eye defect. Kids born with this defect suffer from a defect in the angle of the eye. This prevents normal fluid drainage. Common symptoms include cloudy eyes, high light sensitivity and excessive tearing.
  •  Secondary Glaucoma: This is often a side effect of an eye injury or another ailment in the eye. Certain eye medications and in rare instances eye surgery cause Secondary Glaucoma.
  •  Normal Tension Glaucoma: Sometimes optic nerves get damaged with no increased eye pressure noted. Extreme sensitivity or lack of blood flow to the optic nerve are often factors in this.

Anti-Glaucoma medications and laser surgery are the common treatments done.

Amblyopia: Amblyopia is colloquially known as lazy eye. Often found in young children, this condition makes the brain favor one eye over the other. It is caused by the inadequate stimulation of the nerve pathways between an eye and the brain.

Corrective EyeWear, Eye Patches, Eyedrops, Surgery etc are some of the common treatments.

Strabismus: A condition caused by the improper alignment of the 2 eyes. Strabismus is colloquially known as cross eyes.

There are different types of Strabismus. Categorized based on the direction of the turned eye.

  • Inward turning (esotropia)
  • Outward turning (exotropia)
  • Upward turning (hypertropia)
  • Downward turning (hypotropia)

Many effective treatments are available for Strabismus. Corrective EyeWear, Eye Exercises, Surgery, etc., are the most common treatments.

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