The hospital prides itself on having multiple specialties and facilities, 24/7 lab and emergency services at affordable cost. We focus on providing a healing touch to every sick child on our premises, extending aid in every possible way.
Paediatrics services offer specialized medical care to infants, children and adolescents (from birth to 18 years). We provide comprehensive child care, includes growth and development assessment, dietary advice, Immunization Services and treatment of common paediatric ailments such as cough, cold, fever and wheezing etc., by experienced paediatricians in a child friendly ambience. Counselling and appropriate treatment for chronic conditions like wheeze, childhood fits, school related problems and behavioural issues.
It is specialized target-oriented health care set up clinic for children under 6 years.
It deals with the total well-being of children and family and promotes, preventive, curative and rehabilitation, health service for children
It helps to monitor child growth and development, prevents disease through immunization, and also helps to provide proper nutritional advice for both the mother and the child
Vaccination Clinic:
It is very important for new-born babies and children to get vaccinated against different diseases especially infectious diseases. Immunization and Vaccination Clinic offers a wide range of vaccination services to help protect and prevent against many common diseases which can be infected by virus and bacteria and causes serious or life-threatening sickness and sometimes may lead to lifelong health problems. We are providing regular vaccine as well optional vaccine.
High Risk New Born Clinic:
Some baby who have spent time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) , may be at risk for developmental difficulties.
Low birth weight
Neonatal illness
Infants who had severe respiratory distress
Here we are providing regular evaluation of growth and development to prevent developmental disability.
Nutritional Counselling:
Adequate nutrition is fundamental to the growth and development of infants and children. Balanced and healthy diet strengthens your child’s immune system, helps him or her maintain healthy weight, and aids in his or her brain and bone development.
Lactational Counselling Clinic:
Lactation counselling is a procedure in which a therapist assists clients in overcoming various issues that affect their mental health. Counselling session can help you relax, calm your mind and manage the situation better. An experienced counsellor takes out time to listen to the issues in detail and counsels you on how to deal with the situation in a positive way.
Genetic Counselling:
Genetic counselling involves talking about genetic condition with a health professional .it can help you understand more about an inherited condition and causes of it.
Adolescent Care:
Adolescence can be a tough time for teens and parents, as young people go through dramatic physical and emotional changes, seek to become independent, and sometimes turn to risky behavior’s. An adequate, well-balanced diet. Maintain a normal body weight.
Obesity Clinic:
An obesity clinic is a facility that helps people struggling with obesity through dietary and exercise plans.
Master Health Check up:
Preventive healthcare focuses on your child’s health by monitoring his/her development. It also helps in prevention and early detection of illness or diseases. It incorporates a thorough physical examination, Laboratory investigations and developmental & behavioral assessment. It is important to undergo dental checkup in order to keep the teeth and gums healthy. Vision checkup gives early warning about potential eye problems. In addition, the parents can address any concerns they have about their child with Pediatrician.
Program comprises of
Examination by Paediatrician
Dental screening
Vision screening
Laboratory Services
Blood group
Complete Hemogram
Urine Routine
Additional tests will be done when clinically indicated
Child Developmental Clinic:
Services offered:
Developmentally Supportive Care
Neurological Examinationof High Risk Newborn (Hammersmith Method)
Neurobehavioral Assessment Behavioral Scale of Child
Child Developmental Clinic:
Denver developmental test is a widely used assessment for examine the children 0 – 6 years of age to their developmental progress.
Denver developmental screening test children in following areas, gross motor, fine motor development, language skills and personal to social skills. This screening used to identify the developmental path.
M Chat Screening:
The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised (M-CHAT-R) is a screening tool that will ask a series of 20 questions about your child’s behavior. It’s intended for toddlers between 16 and 30 months of age.
Gold standard for developmental evaluation.
The scale gives the developmental profile of the infant from 1 to 30 months of age with respect to mental and motor development.
Abilities evaluated: body control, locomotion, manipulation, cognition, memory, social interaction, language development and manual dexterity.
Bayley scales of infant and toddler development is an extensive formal development assessment tool for diagnosing developmental delays in early childhood. It’s applicable for children with age of 1 to 42 months.
Useful tool for detecting early developmental delay in clinical and research settings.
Neurobehavioral Assessment:
The primary focus of clinical neurobehavioral assessment is a change from a previous level of functioning, which includes cognitive and functional abilities, mood, emotional responsiveness, and social behavior.
The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is a component of the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA). The ASEBA is used to detect behavioral and emotional problems in children and adolescents. The CBCL is completed by parents. The other two components are the Teacher’s Report Form (TRF) (completed by teachers), and the Youth Self-Report (YSR) (completed by the child or adolescent himself or herself).
Sore throats are common in children and can be painful. However, a sore throat that is caused by a virus does not need antibiotics. In those cases, no specific medicine is required, and your child should get better in seven to ten days. In other cases, a sore throat could be caused by an infection called streptococcal (strep throat).
Strep cannot be accurately diagnosed by simply looking at the throat. A lab test or in-office rapid strep test, which includes a quick swab of the throat, is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of strep. If positive for strep, your pediatrician will prescribe an antibiotic. It’s very important that your child take the antibiotic for the full course, as prescribed, even if the symptoms get better or go away. Steroid medicines (such as prednisone) are not an appropriate treatment for most cases of sore throat.
Babies and toddlers rarely get it strep throat, but they are more likely to become infected by streptococcus bacteria if they are in child care or if an older sibling has the illness. Although strep spreads mainly through coughs and sneezes, your child can also get it by touching a toy that an infected child has played with.
2. Ear Pain:
Ear pain is common in children and can have many causes—including ear infection (otitis media), swimmer’s ear (infection of the skin in the ear canal), pressure from a cold or sinus infection, teeth pain radiating up the jaw to the ear, and others. . To tell the difference, your pediatrician will need to examine your child’s ear. In fact, an in-office exam is still the best way for your pediatrician to make an accurate diagnosis. If your child’s ear pain is accompanied by a high fever, involves both ears, or if your child has other signs of illness, your pediatrician may decide that an antibiotic is the best treatment.
Amoxicillin is the preferred antibiotic for middle ear infections—except when there is an allergy to penicillin or chronic or recurrent infections.
Many true ear infections are caused by viruses and do not require antibiotics. If your pediatrician suspects your child’s ear infection may be from a virus, he or she will talk with you about the best ways to help relieve your child’s ear pain until the virus runs its course.
3. Urinary Tract Infection:
Bladder infections, also called urinary tract infections or UTIs, occur when – bacteria build up in the urinary tract. A UTI can be found in children from infancy through the teen years and into adulthood. Symptoms of a UTI include pain or burning during urination, the need to urinate frequently or urgently, bedwetting or accidents by a child who knows to use the toilet, abdominal pain, or side or back pain.
Your child’s doctor will need a urine sample to test for a UTI before determining treatment. Your doctor may adjust the treatment depending on which bacteria is found in your child’s urine.
4. Skin Infection:
In most children with skin infections, a skin test (culture or swab) may be needed to determine the most-appropriate treatment. Tell your doctor if your child has a history of MRSA, staph infection, or other resistant bacteria or if he or she has been exposed to other family members or contacts with resistant bacteria.
5. Bronchitis:
Chronic bronchitis is an infection of the larger, more central airways in the lungs and is more often seen in adults. Often the word “bronchitis” is used to describe a chest virus and does not require antibiotics.
6. Bronchiolitis:
Bronchiolitis is common in infants and young children during the cold and flu season. Your doctor may hear “wheezing” when your child breathes.
Bronchiolitis is most often caused by a virus, which does not require antibiotics. Instead, most treatment recommendations are geared toward making your child comfortable with close monitoring for any difficulty in breathing, eating, or signs of dehydration. Medicines used for patients with asthma (such as albuterol or steroids) are not recommended for most infants and young children with bronchiolitis. Children who were born prematurely or have underlying health problems may need different treatment plans.
7. Pain:
The best medicines for pain relief for children are acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Talk to your pediatrician about how much to give your child, as it should be based on your child’s weight.
Narcotic pain medications are not appropriate for children with common injuries or complaints such as sprained ankle, ear pain, or sore throats. Codeine should never be used for children as it’s been associated with severe respiratory problems and even death in children.
8. Common Cold:
Colds are caused by viruses in the upper respiratory tract. Many young children—especially those in child care—can get 6 to 8 colds per year. Symptoms of a cold (including runny nose, congestion, and cough) may last for up to ten days.
Green mucus in the nose does not automatically mean that antibiotics are needed; common colds never need antibiotics. However, if a sinus infection is suspected, your doctor will carefully decide whether antibiotics are the best choice based on your child’s symptoms and a physical exam.
9. Bacterial Sinusitis:
Bacterial sinusitis is caused by bacteria trapped in the sinuses. Sinusitis is suspected when cold-like symptoms such as nasal discharge, daytime cough, or both last over ten days without improvement.
Antibiotics may be needed if this condition is accompanied by thick yellow nasal discharge and a fever for at least 3 or 4 days in a row.
10. Coughs:
Coughs are usually caused by viruses and do not often require antibiotics.
Cough medicine is not recommended for children 4 years of age and younger, or for children 4 to 6 years of age unless advised by your doctor. Studies have consistently shown that cough medicines do not work in the 4-years-and-younger age group and have the potential for serious side effects. Cough medicines with narcotics—such as codeine—should not be used in children.