
How to Stop Frequent Urination

April 12, 2022

How to Stop Frequent Urination
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What is a Frequent Urination?

Inappropriate and disruptive to your day-to-day life, frequent urination is when you need to urinate more than eight times a day over 24 hours. You may need to pee more repeatedly at some point in your life, like during pregnancy. This can be a usual symptom of something like pregnancy. However, frequent urination can signify other health conditions, including diabetes, overactive bladder syndrome, urinary tract infections, or prostate conditions that aren’t part of everyday life and don’t go away with time. Needing to urinate constantly can indeed disturb your sleep. That full bladder that keeps waking you up in the middle of a night’s sleep is a condition called nocturia.

What causes frequent urination?

Numerous different conditions could cause frequent urination. Many of these causes are grounded on your age, gender, or both. These conditions can range from minor and easily manageable to more severe issues.

Urinary tract and bladder conditions:This may seem obvious, but issues with your urinary tract and bladder are some of the most common conditions that cause frequent urination. Urinary tract infections (UTIs), in particular, are the most common cause of frequent urination. The infection enters the body during a UTI and causes inflammation in your urinary system. This system comprises the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra and other conditions that can cause frequent urination, including interstitial cystitis and overactive bladder syndrome. In addition, frequent urination can be a symptom of bladder cancer in sporadic cases.

Pregnancy: The bladder gets compressed as the baby takes up more space inside your body. Frequent urination is a ubiquitous and typical symptom of pregnancy. You’ll experience this symptom more during your first and third trimesters. The second trimester is a slight relief because the uterus is higher in your body, taking some pressure off your bladder.

Also Read: How To Control Diabetes

Diabetes: Frequent urination is a prevalent symptom of diabetes. You may have it if you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. In diabetes, your body isn’t controlling the amount of sugar in your blood which the kidneys are responsible for cleaning. So as the kidneys do overtime to filter the blood, a redundant fluid leaves the body. So the more you need to urinate and that fluid leaves your body, the more you drink to keep hydrated. This keeps the circle going.

Prostate problems: In men, the prostate is a gland that makes some liquid during ejaculation. Your prostate grows as you do, but it can cause issues if it gets too large. For example, a large prostate can pressure your urinary system and cause frequent urination. Other conditions that could cause frequent urination can include

  • Having a stroke.
  • Developing a pelvic tumour.
  • Having vaginitis
  • Radiation therapy to the pelvic area.
  • Drinking too much alcohol or caffeine.

Symptoms of Frequent Urination

The key symptom of frequent urination is to urinate more often without increasing urine output.

  • Dribbling after urinating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Nocturia, or frequent urination at night
  • Painful urination

Who Experiences Frequent Urination?

The need to urinate is something that everyone goes through. However, this common sensation isn’t always constant. Sometimes you may need to urinate much more often than usual. This can happen to anyone. Howbeit, it’s expected at certain times in your life or when you have conditions. For example, you’re more likely to urinate if you’re:

  • A middle-aged or old adult.
  • Pregnant
  • Have an enlarged prostate.

Tips to Manage Frequent Urination

    1. Make a note of what you drink.

Alcohol and beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks are diuretics and can increase the frequency of urination. For example, eight ounces of coffee feel harder on the bladder than 8 ounces of water; it is always best to go with water.

    1. Get some exercise for your pelvic muscles.

Flex the muscles environing your lower bladder and urethra to strengthen them. Practice tightening your pelvic floor with an empty bladder, holding it for five seconds, and then relaxing. Work your way up to 10 seconds. These are called Kegel exercises. For beneficial effects, focus on tightening only your pelvic floor muscles. Avoid holding your breath. Instead, breathe freely during the exercises.

    1. Diet is crucial

Citrus drinks, apples, and cranberries are a few foods that can make you urinate more frequently. Additionally, eating spicy food may increase the urge to urinate. Adjust your diet and cut back on foods that irritate the bladder.

Treatment and Diagnosis for Frequent Urination


Treatment options will be grounded on the underlying cause of a person’s frequent urination. Individuals diagnosed with an overactive bladder may receive bladder control training and other interventions. After which, if a person requires them, a doctor will prescribe and monitor medications.


A doctor will likely ask you about your medical history, frequency of urination, and other symptoms.

They may ask about the following:

  • The pattern of frequent urination
  • Current medications
  • How much fluid a person consumes
  • Any changes in the colour, smell, or consistency of the urine
  • How much caffeine and alcohol the individual consumes and whether this has recently changed

A healthcare professional may also perform a physical exam and order tests which include

  • A urine analysis
  • An ultrasound
  • An X-ray or CT scan of the abdomen and pelvic area
  • Neurological tests
  • STI tests
  • Blood tests

Disclaimer: We recommend consulting a Doctor before taking any action based on the above shared information.





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