Gall Bladder Diseases
Doctors in the Division of Hepatopancreatico Biliary surgery form a diverse team of deeply experienced specialists to care for people with Liver , Pancreas and Gall Bladder disorders.
They provide patients with the most advanced level of medical and surgical care, primarily focused on the safe and proven treatment of Hepatopancreatico Biliary diseases
With 13 specialty groups and more than 140 HPB specialists on staff, the Division of Hepatopancreatico Biliary surgery at Rela Isntitute is one of the largest and most experienced in the world
We’ve designed our services so that all of the specialists you need – including Hepatologists, Gastroenterologists, Radiologists, Oncologists, Liver and Transplant Surgeons, and Specialized nurse coordinators – work together as a team. One call puts you in touch with our multidisciplinary team that works with patients who have either cancerous and benign liver ,pancreas and gall bladder tumors to develop the appropriate treatment plan, aimed at preserving liver function and the quality of life. Patients come to our centre from all over India and abroad.
Hepatopancreatico biliary program is headed by Prof Mohamed Rela Known for his expertise in liver transplantation and hepatopancreatico Biliary suregry . The Program is located at the Rela institute with a facility of 450 beds inclusive of 130 critical care beds, 14 operating rooms, contemporary reference laboratories and radiology services.
Our physicians are not only skilled clinicians, but also aim to sustain and improve the lives of those with Hepato pancreatico biliary diseases through advances in research, innovation, and education.