Captain Mohammad Zahir-Ul-Islam-Khan’s Testimonial
September 28, 2022
Group Captain Mohammad Zahir-Ul-Islam-Khan, actively serving at the Bangladesh Air Force, was rushed to Rela Hospital on the 15th of July owing to complaints of severe illness and jaundice. His bilirubin serum had shot up to 38 by then. His Director General of Medical Service recommended Rela Institute to him, and he was immediately brought within the next three hours from Bangladesh.
He was received by the people of Rela Hospital from the airport with their ambulance. For over another month, he went through many procedures, operations, and treatments, under the direct supervision of Prof. Mohamed Rela. Group Captain also states that because of Prof. Mohamed Rela, he can sit straight now and talk in good condition.
On the whole, he states the three critical aspects of the institution which he felt were the reasons for him to recover soon from the complications he was facing. Starting with specialised doctors who are always keen on helping you, good supporting staff who make you feel at home through your time of stay there, and lastly, the infrastructure that makes them the best in the business.
It is testimonials like this that help us in building a better environment for the future of healthcare services and serve as many people as possible.