
What you should know about staying safe on Dialysis during the COVID-19 outbreak

July 3, 2020

What you should know about staying safe on Dialysis during the COVID-19 outbreak
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Dialysis is an essential treatment, which should never be stopped. Even during this COVID pandemic, you should have your dialysis as per schedule to prevent buildup of toxins in your body. A dialysis patient is at a higher risk of serious complications if infected with coronavirus. Dialysis centres have put in place elaborate measures to keep you safe during your dialysis treatment, but you can do a lot to ensure that you stay safe during dialysis in these COVID times.

Precautions to take while going for a dialysis during the pandemic

    • If you will get treated without delay on arrival
    • If the healthcare workers have personal protection gear
    • If sanitizer dispensers are available throughout the process
    • If patients are triaged to check for COVID-19 infection
    • If COVID patients are treated separately
    • If the dialysis beds are 6 feet away from each other
  • Ask the centre for dialysis guidance in COVID times
  • Wear a mask when you step out of your house
  • Carry a hand sanitizer
  • Be at the centre at the appointed time to avoid waiting
  • If you have any symptom of COVID-19, inform the centre in advance so they can make arrangements to treat you in isolation

Know the symptoms of COVID-19

Common symptoms of COVID-19 are

  • Fever
  • Dry cough
  • Shortness of breath

Less common symptoms of COVID-19 are

  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Chills (sometimes shaking chills)
  • Loss of smell and taste
  • Stuffy nose
  • Mucus
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

What you can do to prevent COVID-19 infection

  • Stay home
  • Wear a mask when you go out
  • Maintain at least 6 ft distance from others when you go out
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds
  • Sanitize your hands with alcohol based hand rub if soap is not available
  • Have frequently touched surfaces sanitized and disinfected
  • Avoid touching face, eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover your mouth and nose with elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze
  • Dispose used tissue in closed bin

Rela Institue & Medical Centre is one of the best hospitals for dialysis, especially during the pandemic. We have revamped and upgraded our sanitization and disinfection protocols to give you maximum protection from infection

Disclaimer: We recommend consulting a Doctor before taking any action based on the above shared information.



Dr. Jagdish K

Dr. Jagdish K


Nephrology - Senior Consultant

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