What to expect in the NICU
July 6, 2020
We agree that the premature delivery will be very overwhelming for the new parents, hence this leaflet will address the major concerns of parents and support & guide them with the best possible way.
Doctor discussed with me, about the premature delivery, and other potential anticipated complication – need for admission. what should we do ?
- Where is NICU in Rela Hospital?
NICU is situated in the 2nd floor of B Block. Staff nurse will give you an admission slip and ask u to register (at ground floor IP billing) and bring back the file for the required formalities.
- How does babies get admitted?
We have selection criteria for small / preterm and sick babies. If they fall into the admission criteria then babies would be admitted in NICU. We also admit babies from other hospitals and nursing homes need our support, as tertiary care hospital.
- What should I do at the IP Registration?
You need to fill the required details in registration form,which will be uploaded and UHID will be generated for your baby. You will be told about the level of care and approximate tariff for your baby.
You will be requested to pay advance amount.
- Would the neonatologist brief us about the required procedures and admission formalities?
Yes, concerned Neonatal Doctor will explain the details or current condition of your baby and expected course of action. Before leaving for home, we request you to share your contact details with incharge.
- Do we have to buy medication?
NO, required medication will be indented and will be delivered.
- Will there be regular update of my baby’s condition?
Yes, every day after morning rounds doctor will discuss about your baby’s condition, usually at 10-11am.IF you have doubt any time ,on- call physician will discuss with you.
- When can I and my family see the baby?
Father and mother will be allowed 24/7 , unless any procedure is done on your baby
- I was asked to sign a consent, is it a must?
Yes ,it’s mandatory. Doctor will explain about the condition, and the need for investigation or any required procedure .You must read fully and then sign.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
- What is a premature baby?
Most babies are born between 37 and 42 weeks, but some babies are born early. These babies are called premature or preterm. The earlier that a baby is born, the less developed his or her organs are.
- Why are babies born early?
We don’t always know why babies are born early. Sometimes a baby needs to be delivered early because of concerns about growth and the blood flow from the mother to the baby; or because of
concerns about the mother, for example, if she has high blood pressure. Another cause of preterm delivery is infection, which may cause premature rupture of membranes (when the “waters” break early), or spontaneous (no cause) onset of labour. Also, twins or triplets are more likely to be born early.
- What can be done to help my baby before birth?
Depending on the cause of the early birth, special treatment can be given to help protect your baby from complications. Some medications can slow or stop contractions and delay labour for a short period to allow for treatment or transfer to hospital. An injection of a medication called a “steroid” can be given to you to help your baby’s lungs to develop and to protect against a bleed in your baby’s brain. Steroids work best if given between 48 hours and 7 days before a baby is born.
- Where is the best place for my baby to be delivered?
Extremely premature babies(less than 28wks) – babies born below 27 weeks – have a better chance of survival if they are born in a hospital with a neonatal (newborn) intensive care unit (NICU).
- What Is the NICU?
When babies are born early, have health problems, or a difficult birth they go to the hospital’s NICU. NICU stands for “neonatal intensive care unit.” There, babies get around-the-clock care from a team of experts. It can be called “Home for premature baby”
Most of these babies go to the NICU within 24 hours of birth. How long they stay depends on their health condition. Some babies stay only for a few hours or days; others stay weeks or months.
- Who Can Visit the NICU?
Parents can visit and spend time with their babies who stay in the NICU. Other family members might be able to visit, but only during set hours and only a few at a time. Children visiting the NICU must be well (not sick) and should have all their immunizations. Check with the hospital staff about which family members can see your baby.
We request parents ,to wash their hands and wear the hospital gown. You may need to wear gloves and a mask too.
Everyone who comes into the NICU must wash their hands before they enter. (There will be a sink and antibacterial soap in the room and near the entrance of the NICU.) This is a crucial part of keeping the NICU as clean as possible so that the babies aren’t exposed to germs.
You may be tempted to bring toys, decorations, or other items in your baby’s room, but check with the nurse first. If allowed, these things should be easy to clean (no stuffed animals). Some hospitals let parents tape pictures or other decorations to the outside of a baby’s incubator.
- Which babies will require NICU care?
- Premature (<37 weeks)
- Asphyxia
- Congenital Anomaly
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Jaundice
- Infection
- Large baby (>4kgs)
- Respiratory Distress
- Low birth weight
- Who will take care of premature baby?
The Senior Consultant / Clinical lead will be incharge of all babies admitted. Each baby will be admitted based on Consultant in call during admission.
- Does billing depends on level of care required by babies?
Yes, We have 3 levels of care for New-born babies:
Level 1: For Stable babies for feeding establishment and recovering from sickness
Level 2: Babies who require more help, example babies on CPAP / feeding establishments / Antibiotic therapy etc..
Level 3: Babies who are ventilated, Inotropic support or require close monitoring
Based on the level of care for the baby will be charged by the billing section.
- What’s the Medical Equipment you have to handle new-born?
When you first enter the NICU, it’s normal to feel a little alarmed by all the equipment you see. But it’s there to help your baby get well. Here’s a brief look at some equipment you might find:
Infant warmers: These are small beds with heaters over them to help babies stay warm while being monitored. Because they are open, they allow easy access to babies.
Incubators: These are small beds enclosed by clear, hard plastic. Temperature in the incubator is controlled to keep your baby’s body temperature where it should be. Doctors, nurses, and other caregivers care for babies through holes in the sides of the incubator.
Phototherapy: Some newborns have a problem called jaundice, which makes the skin and whites of the eyes yellow. Phototherapy treats jaundice. During treatment, babies lie on a special light-therapy blanket and have lights attached to their beds or incubators. Most babies only need phototherapy for a few days.
High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilator: High frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) is used for severe acute respiratory failure as a lung protective strategy and rescue mode for babies who have this syndrome of acute, persistent lung inflammation with increased vascular permeability.
Cooling Equipment: The aim is to cool infants with moderate or severe Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy within 6 h of birth to a body temperature between 33.5°C and 34.5°C and maintain this degree of cooling without interruption for 72 h.
ECMO: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has been offered as a life-saving technology to newborns with respiratory and cardiac failure refractory to maximal medical therapy. ECMO has been used in treatment of neonates with a variety of cardio-respiratory problems, including meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), persistent pulmonary hypertension of the neonate (PPHN), congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), sepsis/pneumonia, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), air leak syndrome, and cardiac anomalies.
Ventilators: Babies in the NICU sometimes need extra help to breathe. A baby is connected to the ventilator (or breathing machine) by an endotracheal tube (a plastic tube placed into the windpipe through the mouth or nose). Babies who’ve been in the NICU for a long stay — months at a time — may have a tracheostomy (a plastic tube put into the windpipe) that’s connected to the ventilator on the other end.
Oxygen hood or nasal cannula: Some babies need extra oxygen but don’t need a ventilator. Babies who can breathe on their own might get oxygen from plastic tubes in the nose (called a nasal cannula ) or from an oxygen hood placed over the head.
- Can I Hold My Baby?
Depending on your baby’s health, you might be able to hold your little one even if he or she is on a ventilator or has an IV. If the doctors feel that would be too much, you can still hold your baby’s hand, stroke his or her head, and talk and sing to him or her. A gentle touch will be the most reassuring.
But for some very premature infants, touching is stressful. Doctors may suggest that you limit physical touch, but still spend as much time as possible with your baby. Check with the doctor or nurses to figure out how much and what type of touch is best.
If you can, skin-to-skin contact (or “kangaroo care”) is a good way to bond with your baby:
Place your baby (who’s usually dressed in just a diaper and a hat) on your chest underneath your shirt, so your little one is resting on your skin. Loosely close your shirt over your baby to help keep him or her warm. Skin-to-skin contact can help with breastfeeding and improve healing times so that babies go home sooner.
- How Can I Help Care for My Baby?
Mothers may be able to breastfeed their babies or offer pumped breast milk or formula in a bottle. If you need help breastfeeding or pumping, ask a nurse or lactation consultant.
Because many babies in the NICU can’t yet feed on their own (either due to early development or health problems), they can get breast milk or formula through a feeding tube.
Babies in the NICU are on a feeding schedule. Your baby’s nurse can tell you when your baby should eat and sleep. The more time you spend with your baby, the more you will learn about:
- what type of interaction your baby likes (stroking, singing, etc.)
- what time of day your baby is the most alert
- how long your baby can respond to you before getting tired
- when your baby is stressed and needs to rest
Talk in a calm, soothing voice, keep lights dim, and keep noise to a minimum. Although you may want to interact with your baby often, let your baby sleep when he or she needs to.
- How Can I Feel Less Stressed?
Having a baby in the NICU can be one of the most stressful times in your life. You may be away from your support circle, such as friends, family, and other children. Your life may seem like it’s been turned upside down as you wait for the day when your baby is ready to go home with you.
As hard as it can be, it’s important to keep things as normal as possible. These tips can help:
Pay attention to your own needs and those of the rest of your family, especially any other kids. Doing something for yourself can be as simple as taking a relaxing bath, going for a walk, or reading a favorite book. Make plans for a weekly family activity, and sit down together and talk about how this experience makes you feel. Turn to other parents whose babies are in the NICU for support. They’ll know better than anyone what you’re feeling.
When you take care of yourself, you’ll be more rested and better able to take care of and get to know your baby. While a NICU stay can be hard, it’s also rewarding to watch your little one grow stronger each day.
- Do you admit Pregnant mothers with COVID POSITIVE for Delivery?
Yes we admit ,our Obstetric department consultants will discuss with family/ Referring over phone and plan regarding admission and plan further care.
- How do I communicate with you?
NICU : Ext 7780
NICU : CUG +91 93846 81781
Mail Id:helpdesk@relainstitute.com
Emergency No: 044 6666 7777
Feedback Form: Collect it from reception desk