
COVID 19- What people over 50 should know

May 27, 2020

COVID 19- What people over 50 should know
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Covid19 is a disease that is completely impartial. It affects the rich and the poor, the literate and the illiterate, and the men and the women alike. But, there is one set of people who are at higher risk than the others, the elderly.

Why senior citizens are at higher risk of COVID 19?

While the virus infects everyone, throughout the world, every study has shown that older people are at higher risk of serious infection. Fatality rate is also higher in older people. One of the main reasons could be that older people may already have underlying health issues such as heart problems, diabetes, vascular conditions or respiratory illness. These co-morbidities weaken the immune system making it difficult to overcome the infection.

How to stay positive through COVID 19 pandemic?

As a senior citizen, you may find it harder to fight off the infection so it becomes vital to prevent it. A healthy support network will get you through this period.

Older people can stay safe by following a few simple steps.

  • Self isolate in your home for your safety
  • Wash hands frequently
  • Wear a mask every time you open your door for anything
  • Ensure that you get your medical prescriptions filled
  • Establish reliable access to medical, rehabilitative and palliative care
  • Gain emotional support by staying connected with loved ones
  • Keep yourself informed with relevant information
  • Never give up your dignity
  • Stay positive

The world is fighting a pandemic. We can win this war if everyone contributes towards the fight. As senior citizens, you can help by taking measures to prevent infection.

Disclaimer: We recommend consulting a Doctor before taking any action based on the above shared information.



Dr. J. Prabhakaran

Dr. J. Prabhakaran

MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine)

Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine and Diabetology

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