
What are the 34 Symptoms of Menopause?

August 15, 2023

What are the 34 Symptoms of Menopause?
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Menopause is a natural phase marking the end of a woman’s reproductive years, often accompanied by various symptoms. These symptoms can impact physical, emotional and psychological well being. In this guide, We will explore the 34 most prevalent menopausal symptoms, assisting women in better understanding and navigating this critical life time.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • 34 Symptoms of Menopause
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

34 Symptoms of Menopause

We will explore the various 34 symptoms of menopause as follows,

  1. Irregular periods

Irregular periods, a common sign of perimenopause, usually occur in a woman’s 40s due to hormonal changes, primarily decreased estrogen production. These changes lead to varying cycle lengths and inconsistent periods, which can be lighter, heavier, shorter, or longer as menopause approaches.

  1. Hot flashes

Hot flashes, a common menopausal symptom, entail sudden, intense heat sensations in the upper body and face, often accompanied by sweating and a flushed appearance. Their exact cause isn’t fully understood, but hormonal changes, especially estrogen fluctuations, are significant contributors. These episodes can vary in duration and intensity during menopause.

  1. Night sweats

Night sweats, similar to hot flashes but happening during sleep, cause women to wake up drenched in sweat, affecting sleep quality and causing fatigue. They result from hormonal changes in menopause and can be quite severe, leading to soaked bedclothes and sheets. These sweats can disrupt sleep and impact overall well-being.

  1. Sleep disturbances

Menopausal sleep problems, caused by night sweats, hormonal changes and mood swings, include difficulties falling and staying asleep. Women often experience frequent awakenings during the night, leading to fatigue and irritability. These disturbances can impact overall well being during menopause.

  1. Mood swings

Hormonal fluctuations, especially declining estrogen, affect menopausal mood, leading to mood swings, irritability and heightened emotional sensitivity. Anxiety and depression may become more prevalent during this phase due to hormonal impacts on brain neurotransmitters.

  1. Fatigue

Menopausal fatigue is linked to hormonal shifts, mainly reduced estrogen. These changes disrupt sleep, causing issues like night sweats and insomnia. Menopause also brings physical and emotional changes that contribute to exhaustion. It can result in daytime fatigue, low energy and overall well being decline. Managing fatigue involves a healthy lifestyle with exercise, a balanced diet and stress management.

  1. Vaginal Dryness

Menopausal vaginal dryness is caused by reduced estrogen levels, which cause weakening and drying of vaginal tissues. This might cause pain and discomfort during intercourse. In extreme situations, treatment options include lubricants, moisturisers, and hormone therapy.

  1. Painful Intercourse

Painful intercourse, or dyspareunia, is linked to vaginal dryness and thinning during menopause. It can cause discomfort and a burning sensation. Treatments like topical estrogen therapy, vaginal moisturisers, or adjustments in sexual practices can help alleviate it. Consulting a healthcare provider is essential for appropriate management.

  1. Weight Gain

Weight gain during menopause is influenced by hormonal changes like decreased estrogen levels, slowing metabolism, increased appetite and food cravings. Sedentary lifestyles and poor dietary choices can worsen the situation. Managing weight involves adopting a healthy diet, regular exercise and portion control.

  1. Hair Loss

Hair loss during menopause can be distressing, primarily due to hormonal shifts leading to thinner, finer hair that’s prone to shedding. Hormonal imbalances, specifically lower estrogen levels and changes in male/female hormones, contribute to this. 

Minimising hair loss’s impact involves using gentle hair care products, avoiding excessive heat styling, and managing stress. Severe cases may require treatment, so consulting a healthcare provider is advisable.

  1. Breast tenderness

Breast tenderness during menopause can be attributed to hormonal fluctuations, particularly changes in estrogen and progesterone levels. Hormones can cause breast tissue to expand and become more sensitive. This discomfort may vary in intensity but is a common symptom. Wearing a well fitted bra and avoiding caffeine and salty foods can help alleviate tenderness.

  1. Headaches

Headaches can occur during menopause due to hormonal fluctuations, particularly estrogen. Reduced estrogen levels may affect blood vessels and lead to headaches. Stress and sleep disturbances, also common during menopause can exacerbate this symptom. Managing stress, staying hydrated and practicing relaxation techniques can help reduce headache frequency.

  1. Anxiety

Menopausal anxiety stems from hormone shifts and life transitions. Hormonal changes, particularly estrogen fluctuations, impact brain neurotransmitters, heightening anxiety. Life events like empty nesting or career shifts often coincide with menopause. Managing anxiety may require lifestyle changes, therapy, or medication.

  1. Depression

Menopausal depression relates to hormonal shifts and life alterations. Estrogen influences mood-related brain chemicals. Life changes during menopause can worsen depressive feelings. Seeking professional help is essential, with treatments like therapy, medication, or lifestyle adjustments available.

  1. Irritability

Irritability in menopause results from hormone changes, mainly lower estrogen levels. These hormones affect brain mood chemicals. Stress and sleep problems can worsen irritability. Reducing stress with relaxation, exercise, and a healthy diet can help.

  1. Memory problems

Memory problems in menopause, known as “menopausal brain fog,” are linked to hormonal shifts, especially reduced estrogen. Women might encounter forgetfulness, trouble recalling names or details, and reduced mental clarity. Strategies to address memory problems include mental activities, adequate sleep, stress management, and a balanced diet with antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids.

  1. Bloating

Menopausal bloating can arise due to hormonal shifts, slowed metabolism and dietary habits. Lower estrogen levels may affect water retention and digestion. To minimise bloating, focus on smaller meals, avoid gas inducing foods and drinks, increase fiber, stay hydrated and engage in regular exercise.

  1. Gas

Menopausal hormonal shifts can influence gut motility and bacteria balance, causing excess gas. Reducing gas-inducing foods like beans and cabbage, and avoiding carbonated drinks, can alleviate gas. Probiotics may support gut health during menopause.

  1. Constipation

Hormonal changes can slow down bowel function, leading to constipation during menopause. Eating a fiber rich diet, staying hydrated and being physically active can help prevent constipation. If needed, consult a healthcare provider before using laxatives.

  1. Indigestion

Indigestion during menopause is common due to hormonal fluctuations, particularly lower estrogen levels, affecting the gut’s muscle function. Symptoms include upper abdominal discomfort, bloating and fullness. Managing indigestion involves lifestyle changes like eating smaller, frequent meals, avoiding spicy or fatty foods and stress management. Over the counter antacids or prescribed medications can help in severe cases.

  1. Nausea

The feeling of an upset stomach and the urge to vomit can be experienced by menopausal women due to hormonal fluctuations. Changes in estrogen levels can affect nausea and vomiting centers in the brain. 

Nausea may be occasional or persistent, accompanied by other symptoms like indigestion. Managing nausea involves identifying and avoiding triggers, staying hydrated, and consulting a healthcare provider for severe or persistent cases.

  1. Frequent urination

Frequent urination, a common menopausal symptom is caused by hormonal changes affecting the bladder and urethra. This sensitivity can lead to more frequent urination, including at night. To manage it, stay hydrated, limit caffeine and alcohol and do pelvic floor exercises. If there is pain or other concerns, consult a doctor for possible urinary tract infections.

  1. Urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are bacterial illnesses that affect the bladder, urethra, and kidneys. Changes in the urinary system caused by menopause can render women more susceptible to UTIs. Frequent urination, pain while urinating, cloudy or bloody urine, and abdominal discomfort are all symptoms. Prompt antibiotic treatment given by a healthcare provider is critical to preventing serious kidney infections.

  1. Bladder control issues

Bladder control issues also known as urinary incontinence, can occur during menopause due to hormonal changes and weakened pelvic floor muscles. Women may experience stress incontinence, which results in urine leakage during activities that put pressure on the bladder, like sneezing or laughing, or urge incontinence, marked by a strong and sudden need to urinate. 

To manage these issues, pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) can strengthen supporting muscles. Lifestyle changes, like reducing caffeine and maintaining a healthy weight, can help. For more severe cases, medications, medical devices, or surgery may be recommended, so consulting a healthcare provider is essential.

  1. Acne

Hormonal changes can cause acne during menopause. When estrogen levels fall, androgen hormones rise, stimulating sebaceous glands and causing acne breakouts. Acne can be managed with proper skincare and, in certain situations, medicines.

  1. Brittle nails

Hormonal changes and decreased estrogen can affect the health of nails, making them brittle. Adequate nail care, including keeping them moisturised and avoiding excessive use of nail products, can help.

  1. Skin changes

Menopause can cause skin changes such as dryness, thinning and decreased suppleness. These alterations are mostly caused by low estrogen levels. Using moisturisers, UV protection and skincare products customised to one’s skin type can aid in skin health maintenance.

  1. Reduced libido

A decrease in estrogen and other hormonal changes during menopause can lead to reduced libido or sexual desire. Open communication with a partner and seeking advice from a healthcare provider can assist in managing this issue.

  1. Allergies

Menopausal women may experience heightened allergy symptoms, possibly due to immune system changes. Managing allergies may involve avoiding triggers, taking antihistamines or consulting an allergist.

  1. Dizziness

Dizziness can occur during menopause, possibly related to hormonal fluctuations affecting blood vessels. Staying hydrated, avoiding sudden movements, and managing stress can help reduce dizziness episodes.

  1. Heart palpitations

During menopause, heart palpitations can occur due to hormonal changes, like lower estrogen levels, affecting the hearts rhythm. While often harmless, it is crucial to consult a healthcare provider to rule out underlying heart issues.

  1. Joint pain

Joint pain during menopause can result from hormonal shifts, especially lower estrogen levels affecting joint tissues. Regular, gentle exercise, weight management, and heat or cold treatments can offer relief.

  1. Gum problems

Hormonal fluctuations during menopause can also impact gum health. Women may experience gum problems such as bleeding gums, increased sensitivity or gum inflammation. Good oral hygiene practices, including regular dental check ups, proper brushing and flossing and using an antiseptic mouthwash can help maintain gum health.

  1. Difficulty Concentrating

Menopausal women may face challenges concentrating. Hormonal changes can affect brain neurotransmitters, causing mental fogginess. Strategies to improve focus include minimising distractions, establishing routines, practising mindfulness, and engaging in regular physical activity for better brain blood flow.


Menopause brings a range of symptoms that vary in intensity and duration. Understanding these symptoms is vital for managing this transition. Seek support from healthcare providers, loved ones or support groups. With lifestyle adjustments and healthcare guidance, women can handle menopause confidently.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When Does Menopause Start?

Menopause often begins in a woman’s late 40s to early 50s, but this might vary. It’s when she hasn’t had a period in a year.

  1. How Long Does Menopause Last?

Menopause duration varies among individuals but typically lasts 4 to 5 years on average. Perimenopause, the lead up to menopause, can last for several years. Menopausal symptoms may continue but usually become less intense. Consulting a healthcare provider helps understand the individual experience and manage symptoms.

  1. How Long Does Menopause Weight Gain Last?

The duration of menopause related weight gain varies among individuals. It can be temporary during the menopausal transition or persist beyond menopause. Lifestyle choices, genetics and hormonal changes influence how long it lasts. To manage it, maintain a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise and seek advice from a healthcare provider.

  1. What Happens During Menopause?

Menopause is a natural process in women’s lives when hormone levels change, leading to various symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings. It can affect bone health, increase heart disease risk and cause vaginal dryness. Symptoms vary in severity and duration but lifestyle changes and medical treatments can help manage them for a better quality of life.

Disclaimer: We recommend consulting a Doctor before taking any action based on the above shared information.



Menopausal & Preventive Care

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