Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency
April 11, 2022

Vitamin D is sometimes called the sunshine vitamin because your body makes it from cholesterol when your skin is exposed to sunlight. Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies worldwide.
Vitamin D deficiency occurs when one does not have enough vitamin D to stay hale and healthy. Vitamin D is unique because the skin produces it by using sunlight.
Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency
While there’s no single cause for deficiency, the overall risk could also be higher due to certain underlying conditions or lifestyle factors. A number of the foremost common risk factors for vitamin D deficiency are:
- Having dark skin
- Being older
- Having overweight or obesity
- Not eating much fish or dairy
- Living far away from the equator or in regions with little sunlight year-round
- Staying or working indoors
- Working overnight shifts
- Having a chronic renal disorder
- Having gastric bypass surgery
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Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency
Symptoms of bone pain and muscle weakness can mean you have a vitamin D deficiency. However, for many people, the signs are subtle. Yet, even without symptoms, too little vitamin D can pose health risks.
Frequent illness or infection
One of the most important roles of vitamin D is supporting immune health, which helps you ward off viruses and bacteria that cause illness. This is because vitamin D directly interacts with the cells responsible for addressing infection.
Hair loss
Many foods and nutrients may affect hair health. While stress may be a common explanation for hair loss, severe hair loss could also result from a disease or nutrient deficiency. Studies show that people with this condition associated lower vitamin D levels with more severe hair loss.
Vitamin D deficiency triggers anxiety in people. One review found that levels of calcidiol, a form of vitamin D, were lower in people with anxiety and those with depression.
Muscle pain
The causes of muscle pain are often difficult to point out. However, evidence suggests that vitamin D deficiency is a potential cause.
Other causes include
- Bone loss
- Impaired wound healing
- Bone and back pain
- Fatigue and tiredness
- Depression
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Functions of Vitamin-D
Vitamin D is one of many vitamins our bodies need to stay healthy. This vitamin has many functions, including:
- Keeping bones strong: Having healthy bones protects you from rickets.
What is rickets?
Rickets is a disorder that causes children to possess weak and soft bones. It is caused by an absence of vitamin D. Calcium and phosphorus are often used to build bones. In adults, having soft bones may be a condition called osteomalacia.
- Sponging up calcium: vitamin D helps build bones and keep bones strong and healthy. Weak bones can cause osteoporosis, the loss of bone density, which may cause fractures. Once either taken orally or from sunshine exposure, Vitamin D is converted to a lively vitamin. It’s that active form that promotes optimal calcium absorption from your diet.
- Missioning with parathyroid glands: The parathyroid glands work minute to minute to balance the calcium within the blood by communicating with the kidneys, gut and skeleton. When there’s sufficient calcium within the diet and sufficient active vitamin D, dietary calcium is absorbed and used throughout the body. Conversely, if calcium intake is insufficient or vitamin D is low, the parathyroid glands will ‘borrow’ calcium from the skeleton to stay within the normal range of blood calcium.
How is Vitamin D Deficiency Treated?
Treatment and prevention goals are to achieve and maintain adequate vitamin D levels. You may consider eating more foods that contain vitamin D and getting some sun exposure, but you may be told to take vitamin D supplements.
Vitamin D comes in two forms, D2 and D3. D2, also known as ergocalciferol, is derived from plants. It would be best if you had a prescription to get D2. D3 is available without a prescription. It is more easily absorbed than D2 and stays in the body for prolonged doses. Work with your doctor to determine if you need to take supplements and how much you should take.
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How to prevent vitamin D deficiency?
Treating and preventing the absence of vitamin D keeps an adequate vitamin D level within the body. Your doctor will let you know if you would require or keep taking vitamin D supplements. If so, they will also allow you to know how much you ought to take.
Getting some exposure to sunshine but not too much: It is vital to know exactly how much sun exposure is required isn’t clear. However, 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure 2 to 3 times every week to the face, arms, legs or back could also be all that’s needed to soak up an appropriate amount of vitamin D.
One would need more sun exposure if they are older, have a darker complexion, and live in the northern climate.
The use of sunscreen and standing behind a window prevents vitamin D from being produced within the skin. However, it would be best if you remembered that an excessive amount of sunshine increases the chance of skin cancer and ages the skin. Therefore, taking an appropriately dosed D supplement is safer than getting routine sun exposure.
People also ask
1. What happens when your d3 is low?
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a loss of bone density, contributing to osteoporosis and fractures (broken bones).
2. How can I raise my vitamin D level quickly?
You can raise your vitamin D levels quickly in three main ways:
- Getting outside and exposing your skin to sunlight.
- Take a vitamin D supplement.
- Third, increase your intake of foods that contain vitamin D.
3. What causes d3 deficiency?
You can become deficient in vitamin D for various reasons:
- First, you don’t get enough vitamin D in your diet.
- Second, you don’t absorb enough vitamin D from food (a malabsorption problem).
- Third, you don’t get enough exposure to sunlight.
4. How do you treat d3 deficiency?
D3 deficiency can be treated by eating more foods that contain vitamin D and getting a little bit of sunlight, and you will likely be told to take vitamin D supplements.