Safe Surgery During the Coronavirus Pandemic
June 3, 2020

Even in this time of uncertainty Dr.Rela Hospital is the place for hope and healing and we are ready to deliver the care and compassion which you need. Even with the raging coronavirus pandemic, we have vigorous processes in place to offer exceptional care with utmost safety for our patients who need those in these difficult times.
So, during these pandemic times many patients will need “Medically necessary, Time sensitive”, a term applicable for elective surgery. We at Dr.Rela Hospital are ready to offer safe elective surgical procedures to our patients.
Your safety is our priority:
We at Dr.Rela Hospital have carefully designed, rigorously enforced safety precautions for all our patients who visit us during these times. We do offer both virtual as well as in person consultations for our existing and new patients. Our appointment co-ordinators will be happy to fix a consultation by either way.
Our precautions to reduce the risk of COVID 19 transmission include,
- Careful screening through tele-consultation by our co-ordinators while fixing appointments,
- Strict limit on the number of people entering the hospital,
- Carefully monitored entrance points,
- Thermal screening of all visitors and employees,
- Universal masking requirements for all patients, visitors and staff,
- Waiting areas arranged for social distancing,
- Enhanced cleaning of consultation rooms after each patient visit,
- Frequent deep cleaning of other clinical areas.
What to expect when you are here:
- Wearing mask is compulsory in the hospital premises,
- Follow social distancing guidelines,
- Please do come 15minutes before scheduled appointment time for screening purposes which includes questionnaire and temperature screening,
- Extra hand sanitizer dispensers have been made available,
- Clear and strict enforcement of segregation into in-patient and outpatient areas for all,
- During consultation, you and your care team will stay masked,
- All investigations and care will be provided with minimal touch points with strict adherence of social distancing.
- Strict enforcement and segregation of high-risk groups for COVID 19 infection.
Offering safe surgical practices
We take utmost care and precautions while offering surgical procedures during these pandemic times. Some of the practices which we follow during these include,
- Screening of both the patient and the attendant for COVID 19 before hospitalization for all elective surgical procedures,
- Stringent infection control protocols according to WHO & ICMR,
- Frequent sanitization including deep cleaning of the in-patient facilities,
- Minimal flow of personnel during the surgery and through the hospitalization, thereby minimizing risk,
- Personnel protective equipment (PPE) will be worn during the surgery and in the peri-operative period by the care givers,
- Following social distancing norms in the wards and icu,
- Following hygienic food practices,
- Telemedicine consultation for follow-up.