
Multiple Ways To A Healthy Liver

June 21, 2019

Multiple Ways To A Healthy Liver
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The best way to prevent liver diseases is by following life’s simple rules. Here are the mandatory rules to follow.

Watch your weight

Obesity and overweight are two of the many major reasons behind liver diseases as they increase the growth of fatty liver that can result in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). You can beat NAFLD by burning liver fat through weight loss.

Choosing the right food and avoiding the wrong

Water is a must to keep yourself hydrated. Apart from that, include vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread, cereals and rice for fibre and meat, vegetable oil, fish, nuts and seeds as well as low-fat milk for a balanced diet. Low-fat cheese can be had in moderation. On the other side, saturated fats, high-calorie-meals, sugar and refined carbohydrates should be avoided.

Make workouts mandatory

Regular exercise not only helps you burn liver fat but also the common fat triglycerides, that works as a fuel in the body.

Be careful with toxins

Smoking is injurious, so save your life by not smoking. Avoid coming in direct contact with toxins like aerosol products, insecticides, additives and chemicals as all of these can damage the liver cells.

Limit your alcohol consumption

Alcohol can lead to major health issues if not consumed in moderation. It can destroy liver cells. Consulting a doctor is mandatory to know your limitations.

Say no to illicit drugs

Drugs damage the liver, and it is life-threatening. From psychotherapeutics like pain killers, stimulants, sedatives and tranquilisers used for the non-medical purpose to marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, everything can lead to liver diseases.

Be aware of the needle practices

Go to a reputed doctor for any treatment that requires injections. Unclean needles used for tattoo and piercing can also affect the entire body eventually.

Never make contact someone else’s blood

Irrespective of the reasons, you need medical attention when you happen to be in contact with someone else’s blood.

Do not use other’s products

It’s not fine to use others’ toothbrush and razor. By doing so, you may come in contact withhis or her body fluids and blood.

Choose safe sex

It’s not advisable to have multiple sex partners from the medical point of view since unprotected sex could lead to hepatitis B or C.

Keep your hands clean

Wash your hands before cooking and eating as well as after. Never skip washing your hands after changing a diaper or coming out of the loo.

Take medicines as suggested

Never mix your medicines or take more than prescribed as medicines can react and lead to liver damage. Always discuss your medicines with a doctor to avoid harm to your health.

Get vaccinated

Though there is no vaccination solution for Hepatitis C, you can get vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B.

Why Rela Hospital

Known as the best liver treatment hospital in India, Rela Hospital provides holistic treatment to its patients with the help of liver damage treatment specialist in Chennai. Rela Hospital is one of the few hospitals that perform the maximum number of successful liver transplantations in India.

Disclaimer: We recommend consulting a Doctor before taking any action based on the above shared information.





Liver Disease & Transplantation

Liver Disease & Transplantation

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