
Liver Love

October 1, 2019

Liver Love
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Shower Your Liver Some Love On Valentine

The liver acts primarily as your body’s filter: cleaning the blood, aiding digestion, and fuelling metabolism. A fatty liver occurs when your body becomes swamped with fats, making it harder to cleanse itself. Years of treating liver unhealthy habits congests the liver and leads to a backup of fat and toxins in the body. These unhealthy habits may include such things as being inactive, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and eating fatty foods. Experts believe that at least one-third of adults have a congested, fatty liver. This Valentine’s Day shower you liver with some love. Some suggestions are:

Go Slow on Alcohol

Valentine’s day is time to party. Show you live some love by going slow on Alcohol, as it can damage liver cells and lead to the swelling or scarring that becomes cirrhosis, which can be deadly. Medical studies suggest that men should not drink more than two drinks a day and women only one. Instead of celebrating Valentine’s Day with a bottle of wine or champagne, go the extra mile and make some fresh, raw juice. The nutrients and enzymes in fresh juice can help repair liver damage, stimulate liver detoxification, and improve the liver’s fat burning capability.


This Valentine make a date with your health. Eat a healthy diet and exercise. Your liver will thank you. You’ll keep your weight under control, which helps prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition that leads to cirrhosis. Studies suggest that everyday 30 mins of exercise can help maintain healthy body weight.

Eat Healthy

Valentine is the day to eat out but give a twist and have a healthy, home cooked meal. A day without fried food and less red meat can help your liver be healthy. A home cooked meal low in sugar, fat and salt could add a few more years to a healthy liver.

Drink Coffee

More coffee can help keep healthy liver. Drinking black coffee can slow the progression of liver damage and reduce the risk of liver cancer. Doctors suggest drinking it black, but skim milk and minimal sugar are healthy alternatives as well!

Doctors opine that liver is the most forgiving organ, however, it needs all the love it can get so that it can do its job of removing toxins from the body. This Valentine’s day help your liver regain its vitality by following the aforementioned points. Especially in people with weak liver or those recovering from NAFLD or even those patients who have had liver transplant surgery, on this Valentine’s day show your liver the appreciation in deserves.

Disclaimer: We recommend consulting a Doctor before taking any action based on the above shared information.


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