How to take care of a newborn baby
January 19, 2023
Motherhood and a life with newborn babies can be magical and also be a bit overwhelming. Many questions might pop up in the parents’ minds, such as when should I feed them, how can I give the best care, when should I put them to sleep, and should I practice sleeping and eating routine?
Here are the top newborn baby care suggestions for the first month: how to nurse, calm, sleep, involve your partner, go out, and maintain your sanity. Bear in mind that both you and your baby are learning about this. You’ll both discover your groove with a little practice and time.
Many parents have been in that position, unsure of how to care for their newborn during those thrilling but frequently difficult first few weeks. Continue reading to discover the fundamentals of looking after your newborn in the first few weeks of life.
Most likely, you’ll want to host family and friends as soon as possible so that you may spend some time together as a new family. Look them in the eyes and talk to them; a baby is usually attentive and receptive just after birth, so this is the ideal moment to bond. They may find it comforting because they are familiar with your voice from being with you throughout your pregnancy.
Regardless of the method, there are a few things to remember when feeding your infant. The following advice is for the first few weeks of breastfeeding and formula feeding.
- both breast- and bottle-feeding: Although it may come naturally, nursing might be difficult initially. If you decide to breastfeed, these tactics will be helpful:
- Don’t wait: If at all possible, attempt to nurse your baby within an hour after delivery, when he or she is most awake.
- Ask for assistance: Lactation consultants are typically employed by hospitals. They can assist you in establishing a correct latch and experimenting with various positions.
- On-demand nursing will help your body develop a healthy milk supply for your newborn. So permit your baby to nurse whenever they desire. Newborns should breastfeed 8 to 12 times in a 24-hour period, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- Find a good latch: A healthy latch ensures that your baby gets adequate milk while also protecting your own nipples from pain. Ask a nurse, paediatrician, or lactation consultant if you’re unsure what this entails.
- Make a nest for nursing: While feeding your child, a comfortable chair, pillows, footstool, and access to water and food helps keep you supported and at ease.
- Consume enough food and liquids; the CDC estimates that nursing requires an additional 300–400 calories per day. Also, drink at least eight glasses of water daily because nursing causes you to lose fluids.
Expressing breastfeeding
You might decide to express breast milk in the first few days or even for a long time if your baby has problems latching, isn’t getting enough colostrum, or you’re separated from your baby after birth due to complications.
Sometimes, parents give their newborns expressed colostrum using a spoon or syringe in the first few days of life. If you decide to try feeding your baby straight from the breast in the future, these techniques can help you prevent nipple confusion in those early days.
Several pumping tips are as follows:
Choose the best pump for you: Hand expressing can be very efficient when expressing colostrum. But over time, electric or manual hand pumps have become more popular among parents who breastfeed.
Get assistance Don’t be afraid to ask the hospital’s breastfeeding consultant for help; they could even be able to set you up with a rental pump of hospital-grade.
Relax: Your milk ejection reflex is inhibited when you are tight or anxious. To help you relax, try gazing at your child, watching TV, engaging in guided meditation, or even making a friend-calling call.
Safely store breast milk: The CDC advises using food-grade containers to keep pumped breast milk. Additionally, you can keep freshly pumped breast milk at room temperature for four hours, in the refrigerator for four days, and in the freezer for six to twelve months. You have two hours to use leftover milk from feeding if your baby doesn’t finish it.
Infant Poo
Your newborn will occasionally pass a thick, dark-coloured liquid called meconium in the first few days after delivery; this is typical. A breastfed newborn will start having six to eight soft, yellow-green, occasionally seed-filled bowel movements daily within a few days.
On the other hand, if your kid is formula-fed, they will probably have one to two thicker, yellower, or tan stools per day. Wide fluctuations in your baby’s poop’s colour, consistency, and regularity are typical unless they show symptoms of diarrhoea.
Feet and legs
Legs and feet are frequently twisted in and bent out in newborns. Their posture in this position resembles that of the foetus. Aside from that, a newborn’s toes regularly overlap, and occasionally the nails appear to be ingrown (though they are not).
Don’t panic; your baby’s legs and feet will straighten between the ages of 6 and 18 months.
After about three months, your baby will start to develop a schedule; up until that point, anything goes. Although rigidity is not required, the structure is beneficial for both parents and the infant. Most babies naturally transition to naps between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. when they are 9 months old. However, resist the urge to impose a routine on your child out of convenience.
Babies can cry a lot. If you give it some thought, it makes sense, as their sole means of expressing their wants is by weeping. However, finding out the cause of their crying may require some investigation.
some advice on comforting crying infants:
Rule out the most obvious causes: Are they famished? Are they soaked? Are they worn out? Do they have gas? Do they have a temperature problem?
Let them take a sip from a bottle, finger, breast, or pacifier. (If you’re breastfeeding, many experts advise delaying the offer of a pacifier until nursing is going well to prevent nipple confusion.)
Swaddle them safely in a blanket with their arms inside to recreate a womb-like environment. Then, while making loud “shushing” noises in their ear, hold them tightly on their left side or stomach and gently shake them.
Take them for a stroll or a drive in your car, or swing them in an infant swing. (Babies enjoy movement!)
Above all, maintain composure! Your baby will feel your tension if you are. Keep in mind that when babies cry, it will pass.
When to Contact a Pediatrician?
A decent rule of thumb is to consult a pediatrician if a newborn develops a fever. To be safe, it’s advisable to call. Low-grade fevers will become less concerning as your child gets older, but the following signs in infants call for immediate medical attention:
- Has a temperature of 100.4°F or more, or 102°F, if the baby is older than 2 months and less than 2 months.
- Demonstrates modifications to their eating habits, such as refusing to nurse
- Extremely watery or mucusy stools
- Overly groggy, unresponsive, or sleepy
- Has a rash anywhere on their body that is red or swollen
- Has swelling or redness at the umbilical cord’s base
- Exhibits constipation symptoms, including discomfort (like straining) when moving their bowels.
- has an enlarged stomach or throws up (as opposed to spitting up)
People also ask
What should I do with my newborn daily?
Knowing what a baby needs for sleep, feeding, and play. Additionally, infants need to be fed every 2-4 hours. They require your care both day and night. Simple cuddles or time spent stretching out and kicking on a blanket may be the extent of newborn play. You could discover that 10 to 20 minutes of gaming is plenty.
What exactly do I need for a newborn baby?
Everything You Need for Your Newborn Baby
- Baby essentials for the first 3 months
- Clothing and Layette
- Diapers
- Bath Items
- Grooming/First Aid Tools
- Bedding and Sleep Needs
- Feeding Supplies
- Gear and Furniture
How do you take care of a baby step by step?
- Feed your infant frequently, whether you are nursing or using formula.
- Start a nighttime routine and get some rest when your child is sleeping.
- Safely bathe your child, but not too frequently.
- Do tummy time, soothe your baby down, and engage with her when she is awake.
- Ask for help.