
How to manage fits (seizures) in Children at Home

June 3, 2020

How to manage fits (seizures) in Children at Home
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Seizures in children are a common neurological symptom and often due to benign cause such as febrile fits but associated with high anxiety and stress to Parents/Caregivers. Its is best to know what to do and not to do in such situation


  1. Be calm
  2. Put the child in one side with other side knee bent upto hip level and hand extended perpendicular to body at arm level with head end up
  3. Remove tight garments or jewelleries around neck
  4. Give space for good ventilation
  5. Wait for 3 to 5mins,, if not stopping or recurrent or not waking up within 15minutes post fits or first episode take to nearest health care facility.
  6. If medicine is available to stop fits , give the first dose via nasal spray or as suppository via bottom


  1. Not to give any sharp objects in Hand
  2. Not to give feeds or water during episode
  3. Not to overcrowd around the child

If your child is known to have fits please have a write up from doctor what to do if fits occur at home. Keep a card and emergency medicine along with the child wherever the child goes. Intimate the school about the same. Do not skip or stop fits medicine without doctor’s consultation. Fits is only a symptom not a disease.

Disclaimer: We recommend consulting a Doctor before taking any action based on the above shared information.



Dr. T Ravikumar

Dr. T Ravikumar

MD (Paeds), IDPCCM, Fellowship in PCCM, STEP Fellowship

PICU - Senior Consultant and Clinical Lead

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