
How to cure rheumatoid arthritis permanently

December 10, 2022

How to cure rheumatoid arthritis permanently
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease. It differs from other forms of arthritis in that it affects the joints on both sides of your body. As a result, you can experience discomfort and inflammation in your:

  • Fingers
  • Hands
  • Wrists
  • Knees
  • Ankles
  • Feet
  • Toes

The cartilage in your joints that often serves as a “shock absorber” is damaged by unchecked inflammation. Your joints may distort as a result over time. In addition, your bone itself erodes with time. This can result in your joints “fusing,” an effort by your body to protect itself from constant irritation.

These substances are created in your joints but also go throughout your body and cause symptoms. Rheumatoid arthritis can sometimes affect areas of your body outside just your joints, such as:

  • Skin
  • Eyes
  • Mouth
  • Lungs
  • Heart

Which doctor is best for rheumatoid arthritis?

While you might first discuss your symptoms with your physician, he or she may recommend that you have additional testing from a rheumatologist or an orthopedist, a physician who focuses on the treatment of inflammatory diseases like arthritis.

Natural home remedies to ease the pain of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The basic goal of rheumatoid arthritis treatment is to lessen joint pain and swelling. By doing this, joint performance should be maintained or improved. The long-term objective of treatment is to slow or stop joint degeneration. Controlling joint inflammation can improve your quality of life and lessen your discomfort.

Some natural therapies may be able to reduce the pain and stiffness brought on by rheumatoid arthritis, while you’ll still need to receive your normal medical care (RA).

Many of these, like applying heat and cooling, are simple to carry out. However, some, like acupuncture, necessitate the assistance of a trained expert.

If you wish to try natural and at-home therapies, talk to your doctor about what would be best for you and whether there are any limitations on what is appropriate for you. You might wish to look into a few of these well-known treatments, starting with the first three that call for medical advice if your doctor gives you the all-clear.

1. Acupuncture

One of the earliest known natural pain relievers is this type of Chinese traditional medicine. Using extremely fine needles stimulates energy via meridians, or pathways, in your body. Correcting energy, or qi (pronounced “chee”) imbalances, is the aim.

There isn’t much evidence specifically on acupuncture for RA, although studies do indicate that treatment lowers levels of chemicals in the body connected to inflammation. Additionally, it eases chronic pain, particularly back pain. Osteoarthritis may also benefit from it.

Ask your rheumatologist to recommend an acupuncturist who treats patients with RA because acupuncture requires using clean, precisely positioned needles.

2. Biofeedback

Using this technique, you can learn to control instinctive reactions like your heart rate and blood pressure. You accomplish it by using body sensors that provide information to a monitor. You gain control over how you react when a therapist puts pressure on you.

3. Massage

This time-tested natural therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing pain by modern research. It has been put to use for countless years. There are many different kinds. You should speak with your doctor before trying it. You can also ask for recommendations. A good option is to select a massage therapist who has experience working with RA patients. Tell them about any uncomfortable areas they should stay away from. You can also ask them to stop using scents that make your skin uncomfortable.

4. Cold and Heat Massage

To reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, several experts advise using heat and cold therapies. Each provides several advantages:

Cold: It lessens joint swelling and inflammation. For instance, apply an ice pack to the affected joint when RA flares up. But be careful not to go overboard. Apply the cold compress for 15 minutes each time. Between treatments, give yourself at least 30 minutes.

Heat: It relaxes your muscles and encourages blood flow. Use a warm, damp towel or a moist heating pad. Popular hot-pack heating methods include the microwave. Try not to become too heated. Your skin shouldn’t be burned. You can also employ heat treatment in the shower. Let the warm water touch the area of your body that is hurting. That might make things less tense. A hot tub is another useful tool for relaxing stiff muscles.

If you have high blood pressure, heart problems, or are pregnant, you should limit how often you use hot tubs or spas.

5. Exercise

you may not feel like moving, but it’s okay and good as It won’t worsen your RA and might reduce joint swelling and lessen your pain.

Before you begin, discuss your RA with your physician or a physical therapist. They can assist in developing the ideal program for you. It’ll presumably focus on the following:

Aerobics exercise to get your heart pumping, such as walking or swimming

Strength training helps maintain strong muscles around your joints.

Range-of-motion exercises that improve joint range of motion can help your joints function properly.

Balance drills to prevent falls

6. Deep breathing

Take calm, deep breaths from your belly. After turning off the stress receptors that cause your muscles to stiffen up and intensify discomfort, you might feel calmer. Additionally, while you focus on breathing, your thoughts are removed from pain-related ones.

7. Meditation

Simply concentrating on your breathing and monitoring each inhalation and exhalation is a simple way to use this technique. It is independent of extreme tranquilly or spiritual convictions. It is doable by everybody, and even a brief period can have an impact. You can be sure that your mind will wander. It’s okay. Simply return your attention to your breathing or another activity of your choice.

8. Turmeric

This golden spice is a member of the ginger family and is commonly used in curries. It comes from India and Indonesia and has long been a mainstay of local traditional medicine there. According to research, it may reduce pain by blocking proteins that produce inflammation.

9. Visualization

This can lessen pain and tension. To attempt this easy exercise:

  • Shut your eyes
  • Draw a deep breath
  • Imagine yourself in a tranquil environment

10. Aromatherapy

This natural remedy doesn’t seem to affect the amount of discomfort or the chemicals that lead to inflammation. But it might make you feel better. Lemon fragrance may improve your mood, according to a small study, but that’s about it.

11. Aromatic oils

The use of essential oils during a massage can be pleasant. Exercise caution if you apply them to your skin or let someone else do it. Others are well-known irritants. To gauge your response, try a test patch. Use caution if the skin is broken or injured.

People also ask

1. What foods reverse rheumatoid arthritis?

  • Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and tuna provide significant amounts of vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Dark Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, broccoli, and collard greens are excellent sources of vitamins E and C.
  • Nuts
  • Olive oil
  • Berries
  • Onions and garlic
  • Green Tea

2. Which fruit is good for rheumatoid arthritis?

Fruits such as prunes, grapefruits, blueberries, bananas, pomegranates, mango, peaches, and apples are good for rheumatoid arthritis.

Disclaimer: While the home remedies mentioned in the above blog may seem effective and practical, it is important to note that no scientific evidence supports their efficacy. Therefore, consulting with an expert in the field is highly recommended.





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