Hepatitis A – All About It
October 14, 2019

The liver disease, Hepatitis A, is identified as the condition that causes a swelling of the liver and stops it from functioning right. A liver infection, it is contagious and caused by the virus, hepatitis A. It could cause a mild illness lasting a few weeks or chronic problems that take a few months to disappear. It results when one ingests poop-contaminated food or drink from an individual carrying the virus.
However, this virus isn’t dangerous. Anyone suffering from this condition usually always recovers. However, it can take its own time to disappear, so care needs to be taken during this period.
One can contract Hepatitis A virus when one mistakenly eats or drinks small amounts of food or drink that’s contaminated with faecal matter. This can be passed on through drinking water that’s contaminated, or food that’s been touched by an infected individual who hasn’t washed his hands after using the toilet. Alternatively, the infected person should have come in close contact with an already infected individual.
How Does Hepatitis A Spread?
This virus spreads when an infected person comes in close contact with another individual. Other ways of contracting Hepatitis A include:
- Eating food cooked by an individual with Hepatitis A
- Drinking Hepatitis A-contaminated water
- Eat shellfish grown in contaminated water
The Ideal Candidate for Hepatitis A
Virtually anyone can contract this virus, though some are likelier to contract it than others. They are:
- Those who live with a patient of Hepatitis A
- Children attending a daycare centre
- The staff of a daycare centre
- Men who indulge in sex with other men
Those who contract Hepatitis A feel like they have influenza. They may feel tired, run a fever, experience lack of appetite, feel sick in the stomach, experience stomach ache and have diarrhoea.
Some people also experience dark yellow urine, have jaundice and light-coloured stools. In some cases, people don’t exhibit any symptoms. However, if you do have symptoms of Hepatitis A, speak to your doctor immediately.
A couple of blood tests will tell the doctor if you have Hepatitis A or not.
Treating Hepatitis A is all about resting, trying to keep food down and not drinking alcohol until the patient is completely well.
One can take a preventative Hepatitis A vaccine shot. After children turn two years old, they can also take this vaccine. Children aged three and up to the age of 18 should take three shots over a year. Adults can take two to three shots between six and 12 months.
Part of the prevention techniques also include:
- Washing hands after using the toilet and before cooking, handling food or eating.
- Wearing gloves if one has to touch another’s stool. Hands should be washed after this.
Why Rela Hospital?
Hepatitis A may sound frightening to the patient and his near ones, but it can be easily treated by doctors of good training and experience. At Rela Hospital, we offer only the best and most modern testing and treatment for Hepatitis A.
Our diagnosis is also accurate and treatment is given swiftly and correctly. This is what makes us the best hospital in Chennai for Hepatitis A treatment. Should you ever be diagnosed with Hepatitis A, don’t worry. Come over to Rela Hospital and we will work alongside you to offer you the most advanced treatment for Hepatitis A in Chennai, India.
Our team of doctors and liver specialists will offer all their expertise in offering you their best services for a quick and total recovery. Why else in the world are our doctors considered the best liver specialists for Hepatitis treatment in Chennai?
To know more about how we work, call for an appointment on +91 9384681770