Fatty Liver Disease : Diet & Lifestyle Guidance
August 27, 2021
What is Fatty Liver Disease?
The liver helps in the secretion of bile which is a fluid that helps digest fats and carries away waste. Fatty liver disease is a condition wherein fats build up on the liver and refrains the liver from functioning normally.
What causes Fatty Liver Disease?
According to doctors, the clear reason for the causes of Fatty Liver condition is not always known but genetics play a role. High levels of fat in a person’s blood, such as high cholesterol and triglycerides, may also contribute to the risk of developing steatosis of the liver. Fatty liver develops when the body produces an excessive amount of fat or doesn’t metabolize fat efficiently enough. The surplus fat is stored in liver cells, where it accumulates and causes liver disease.
Types of Fatty Liver disease
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
- Alcoholic fatty liver disease
What is Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) may be a quite common disorder and refers to a group of conditions where there is an accumulation of excess fat within the liver of individuals who drink little or no alcohol. The foremost common sort of NAFLD may be a non-serious condition called liver disease. There are two types under NAFLD.
- Simple fatty liver, in which you have fat in your liver but little or no inflammation or liver cell damage. The simple fatty liver typically does not get bad enough to cause liver damage or complications.
- Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), in which people go through inflammation and liver cell damage, as well as accumulated fat in the liver. Inflammation and liver cell damage can cause fibrosis or scarring of the liver. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis may lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer.
What is alcoholic fatty liver disease?
Alcoholic liver disease is due to the consumption of heavy alcohol. Liver breaks down most of the alcohol that people drink, so that it can often be removed from the body. But the method of breaking it down can generate harmful substances. These substances can damage liver cells, promote inflammation, and weaken the body’s natural defences. The more alcohol that people drink, the more the liver is damaged. Alcoholic fatty disease is the earliest stage of alcohol-related liver disease. The subsequent stages are alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease
Fatty Liver Disease is a silent disease because a person might not have any symptoms, even when the disease progresses. Yet, a few doctors claim that people may feel tired or have discomfort within the upper right side of their abdomen.
Treatment for Fatty Liver Disease
- There are currently no medications to treat NAFLD.
- Reducing weight moderately by a minimum of 7 to 10% can improve disease. However, losing weight too quickly can make NAFLD worse.
- A healthy way to lose weight is through a balanced diet and regular exercising.
- People who have alcoholic liver fatty disease could also try to reverse liver damage and inflammation and prevent it from getting worse by not consuming alcohol. However, this may not reverse cirrhosis.
- Some people might find stopping alcohol extremely difficult, but a doctor can advise on the way for quitting alcohol in a safe and supportive way.
- Complications from NASH and alcoholic liver disease can include cirrhosis and liver failure.
- Medication and surgery are both treatment options at this stage.
Recommended diet for Fatty liver disease
- Eat a healthy diet.
- Consume lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
- Eat more of Omega-3 fatty acids that include fish oil, fish, flax seeds, walnuts and plant oils.
Strict say No to
- Sugary items like candy, regular soda and other foods with added sugars including high-fructose corn syrup.
- Cutting down on salt and sugar.
- Baked and fried foods.