Brain Aneurysm – Symptoms and Causes
September 26, 2022

A bulging or ballooning in a blood vessel in the brain is known as an aneurysm. An aneurysm frequently resembles a berry hanging on a stem.
A brain aneurysm may rupture or leak, resulting in brain haemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke) (hemorrhagic stroke). Usually, a ruptured brain aneurysm forms between the brain and the soft tissues that surround the brain. A subarachnoid haemorrhage is a medical term for this type of hemorrhagic stroke.
The aneurysm widens even further as blood pours into the bulge, like a balloon that gets thinner and more liable to pop as it fills with air. Your brain bleeds if the aneurysm ruptures or leaks (bursts open). Sometimes it results in a hemorrhagic stroke, which is bleeding in or around the brain that can cause deadly brain damage. They are also known as cerebral aneurysms. “Cerebral” refers to the brain.
Types of Anerusyms
- Saccular aneurysms are the most common form of brain aneurysm. They protrude in the form of a dome. They have a little “neck” that connects them to the artery.
- Saccular aneurysms are more frequent than fusiform aneurysms. They do not spread out in the form of a dome. The blood artery in that region instead enlarges as a result of them.
Despite their frightening appearance, most brain aneurysms don’t cause symptoms or other health problems. It’s possible to live a long life without ever recognising it. Aneurysms can, however, occasionally enlarge, leak, or rupture. You require medical assistance straight away if you experience a hemorrhagic stroke, which is significant brain bleeding.
- Burst aneurysm
- A ruptured aneurysm’s primary symptom is an abrupt, intense headache. This headache is sometimes referred to as the “worst headache” ever.
Common indications of a ruptured aneurysm, in addition to a severe headache, include:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Stiff neck
- Double or blurry vision
- Sensitivity to light
- Seizure
- A drooping eyelid
- Consciousness loss
- Confusion
Leaking aneurysm
Aneurysms sometimes leak blood. This leak will only lead to sudden and excruciating headaches.The leak is often followed by a more serious fracture.
Unruptured aneurysm
Particularly if it’s small, a brain aneurysm that hasn’t ruptured may not show any symptoms. A larger unruptured aneurysm, however, may put pressure on the brain’s structures and neurons, potentially leading to:
- Discomfort behind and above one eye
- a dilated pupil
- Eyesight changes or double vision
- One half of the face is numb.
Causes of Brain Aneursyms
A weakening in the brain’s blood vessel walls is what leads to brain aneurysms. Though the precise cause isn’t often obvious, there are several potential explanations for why this might occur.
The primary blood veins that travel up the neck and into the brain must carry a lot of blood to the brain.
Similar to how a tree’s trunk develops into branches and twigs, these blood arteries branch out into progressively smaller vessels.
Because these regions are frequently weaker, the spots where the blood arteries divide and branch off are where the majority of aneurysms form.
Increased risk
A variety of factors can impact your chance of getting a brain aneurysmchance of getting a brain aneurysm can be affected by a variety of factors. These are covered in this.
Your risk of getting a brain aneurysm might be considerably increased by smoking cigarettes.
According to studies, the majority of those who have been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm currently smoke or have in the past. People with a family history of brain aneurysm are particularly at risk. It is unclear why smoking raises the risk of brain aneurysms. It’s possible that the toxic components in cigarette smoke affect the blood vessel walls.
High blood pressure
Your risk of developing an aneurysm may increase if you have high blood pressure because it can put more pressure on the walls of the blood vessels inside your brain.
High blood pressure is more likely to occur in you if you:
- Obese and/or have blood pressure
- Consume a lot of salt, little fruits and vegetables, little physical activity, and lots of Coffee or other caffeinated beverages.
- Consumption of alcohol
- Older than 65
Brain Aneurysm Prevention
Once your doctor finds an aneurysm, it’s very unlikely that it’ll heal on its own. The good news is you can take efforts to stop it from developing or leaking. You can also take the following actions to lessen your risk of developing a new aneurysm:
- Stop smoking.
- Eat a balanced diet.
- Regular exercise and avoiding heavy lifting all the time (stick with moderate exercise).
- Maintain control of your high blood pressure with medication and lifestyle adjustments.
A brain aneurysm is usually diagnosed using angiography. An X-ray technique called angiography is used to examine blood vessels.
This includes inserting a needle, generally in the groin, through which a small tube called a catheter can be directed into one of your blood veins.
- Local anaesthetic is used where the needle is inserted so that you won’t feel any pain.
- The catheter is inserted into the blood vessels in the neck that supply the brain with blood using a series of X-rays seen on a monitor.
- Once the catheter is in position, a special dye is injected through it into the arteries of the brain.
- Magnetic resonance angiography (MRI scans) is usually used to look for brain aneurysms that have not ruptured. This type of scan uses powerful magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the brain.
- CT angiography is usually preferred if it’s thought the aneurysm has ruptured and there’s bleeding on the brain (subarachnoid haemorrhage) (subarachnoid haemorrhage).
- A series of X-rays are taken during this type of scan, and a computer then puts them together to create a detailed 3D image.
- In some cases, a ruptured aneurysm may not be detected on a CT scan. If a CT scan is negative but your symptoms strongly suggest you have a ruptured aneurysm, a test called a lumbar puncture will usually be carried out.
1. How serious is an angiogram of the brain?
There is a risk of stroke with this procedure if the catheter dislodges plaque from a vessel wall that blocks blood flow within the brain. Stroke is a rare complication of cerebral angiography, but it is possible. Rarely, the catheter punctures the artery, causing internal bleeding.
2. How is an brain angiogram performed?
In cerebral angiography, a catheter (long, thin, flexible tube) is placed into an artery in the arm or leg. Using the catheter, a technician injects a special dye into the blood vessels that lead to the brain. It is a means to produce x-ray photographs of the insides of blood vessels.
3. How long does it take to recover from a brain angiogram?
Depending on the site used for injection of the contrast dye, the recovery period may last up to 12 to 24 hours. You should be ready to spend the night if necessary. Your healthcare provider may request a blood test prior to the procedure to see how long it takes your blood to clot.
4. Why do a brain angiogram?
Cerebral angiography is most often used to identify or confirm problems with the blood vessels in the brain. Your provider may order this test if you have symptoms or signs of: Abnormal blood vessels in the brain (vascular malformation) (vascular malformation) Bulging blood vessel in the brain (aneurysm) (aneurysm).