Beyond the calendar: Investigating 20 Factors Behind Delayed Periods
March 18, 2024
Menstruation and Menstrual Cycle
The monthly bleeding that occurs in women is known as menstruation, or simply period. Your body gets rid of the monthly accumulation of uterine (womb) lining when you menstruate. Your vagina is where menstrual blood and tissue exit your body after leaving your uterus through the small opening in your cervix.
The monthly menstrual cycle prepares a woman’s body for pregnancy. It starts on the first day of her period and ends with the first day of her next period. Hormonal changes during this cycle can cause menstrual symptoms.Every menstrual cycle is unique, just like every individual. Cycle lengths can vary from 28 to 40 days, while 28 days is the typical cycle length.
Periodic disruptions can be caused by a number of factors, such as long-term stress, weight increase or loss, or switching between birth control methods.
Delayed Periods
There are many reasons why a person’s period could be delayed, including changes in food or activity. Missing or delayed periods are common, especially among younger individuals. Situational factors such as high stress, intense exercise, starting new hormonal birth control, or sudden weight changes could be the cause of a person missing their period, if they are not pregnant.
Reasons for Delayed Periods
If the start of your cycle has not happened within the typical time frame, you are usually regarded to be late for your period. A menstrual cycle that is delayed can happen for a number of reasons.These are the top 20 factors that could cause a delay in menstruation.
- Stress
The area of the brain responsible for regulating the hormones involved in reproduction can be affected by extreme stress. This can lead to the delay in periods and ovulation. However, once the stressor is removed or the person acquires coping mechanisms to deal with it, their normal cycle may resume.
- Overproduction of prolactin during breastfeeding
Breastfeeding often leads to prolactin hormone production that affects menstruation. Its absence is a reliable sign. After breastfeeding, periods usually return. Non-breastfeeding individuals may experience milky discharge indicating excessive prolactin production. Doctors may prescribe medication for treatment.
- PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome
In addition to ovarian cysts, people with PCOS have a hormonal imbalance that can impact their general well-being and appearance. A person may experience irregular or absent periods as a result of this.
- Intense Exercise
Stress hormones are released by the body after intense exercise, and these hormones can disrupt the production of reproductive hormones and result in irregular or delayed menstruation.
- Hormonal birth control
A person on hormonal birth control may notice variations in their menstrual cycle, such as early, late, or nonexistent menstruation, as a result of the suppression of ovulation.
- Loss in body weight
Cycle abnormalities can occur in people with eating disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa. Excessive weight loss may result in delayed periods or maybe end your cycle entirely. This is due to the fact that ovulation may be paused by inadequate body fat.
- High body weight
In the same way that low body weight can, high body weight can also lead to hormonal imbalances.One result of obesity on the body is an excess of oestrogen, a hormone essential for reproduction. Your cycle may be disturbed and your periods may get delayed or cease entirely if you take too much oestrogen.
- Contraception
Your cycle could alter or get delayed when you use or stop using birth control. The hormones progestin and oestrogen used in birth control pills stop your ovaries from producing eggs.Your cycle may not return to normal for up to three months after you stop taking the pill.
- Chronic Illness
Your menstrual cycle may also be impacted by chronic illnesses including diabetes and celiac disease. Unmanaged diabetes has the unusual potential to induce irregular or delayed menstruation since blood sugar fluctuations are linked to hormonal changes.
- POI or Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
Between the ages of 45 and 55, most females start menopause. An early natural menopause or primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) may be the cause of delayed or irregular menstruation that appears around age 40 or earlier. Additional causes of this syndrome include autoimmune diseases and genetic problems, however surgical ovarian excision is also one possible cause.
- Thyroid Problems
Missed or delayed periods may also be caused by an overactive or underactive thyroid gland.Hormone levels can also be impacted by the thyroid, which controls your body’s metabolism. Typically, medicine is used to address thyroid problems.
- Perimenopause
The stage of life just before menopause is known as perimenopause. According to a reliable source, it usually begins in your mid- to late-40s. Before your menstruation ends entirely, perimenopause might linger for a few years.This might be a cause for delayed menstruation as well.
- Young age
It’s uncommon to instantly become used to a monthly 28-day cycle when you’re young and just starting to menstruate. Things usually level out after a few years. This is due to the immature hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis seen in preteens and adolescents.This can also lead to delayed menstruation .
- Schedule Change
Modifications to your schedule have the potential to disrupt your body’s clock, hence influencing your menstrual cycle and leading to delayed periods.
- Sleep Disorders
Your menstrual cycle’s hormones might be impacted by sleep disorders or sleep patterns that are off.This can lead to irregular or delayed periods.
- Work Shift
Unpredictable shift work might throw off your hormone balance and circadian cycles.This can lead to delayed menstruation.
- Alcohol Use
Excessive drinking can throw off the balance of your hormones and menstrual cycle, leading to irregular or delayed periods.
- Smoking
It may disrupt the hormonal balance in your body and cause menstrual delays.
- Excessive Caffeine Consumption
High caffeine intake might alter hormone levels, which may postpone your menstrual cycle.
- Having Recently Given Birth
It can take time for your cycle to return to normal after childbirth and can cause delayed menstruation.
Normal Amount of Delay in Menstruation
Your cycle can be off by a few days, which is normal. In addition, even if the time is incorrect by two to twenty days or longer, your menstrual cycle might still be regarded as regular.
Right Time to Consult a Doctor
Generally, there’s no need to be concerned about a postponed time that lasts a few days. Nonetheless, you should consult a medical professional if:
- You usually get your period late.
- It’s more than a week early for your period.
- You typically had regular periods, but now you have erratic ones.
- In a year, you miss more than three periods in a row.
Every menstrual cycle is unique, just like every person. Cycles can last anywhere from 28 to 40 days, however 28 days is the typical cycle length.
Periodic abnormalities or delays can result from a number of factors, including long-term stress, weight increase or loss, and starting or discontinuing birth control.
Speak with your doctor as soon as possible if you’ve experienced an irregular cycle recently, missed a period, and are positive you’re not pregnant. You can start working on cycle regulation again as soon as they diagnose you.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is it possible that my menstruation is delayed by a week?
Yes. Furthermore, it is not considered abnormal if your menstruation is delayed by up to 20 days.
2. Is having a late menstruation typical?
It is normal to experience occasional differences in their menstruation schedules for a few days, so it’s usually not a huge concern.If you suspect you could be pregnant or are unsure of the reason for your delayed period, consult a healthcare professional.