Advantages of breast feeding for mothers
August 2, 2020
Breast milk is nature’s way of ensuring that your baby gets the ideal nutrition that suits the baby’s age and stage of development. It is a wonder food for the baby, but do you know it is a boon for mothers as well? Breast feeding provides great benefits for mothers, let’s see just how you gain from it.
Benefits of breast feeding for the mother
Reduces pregnancy weight gain
Nearly every woman gains weight during her pregnancy. Losing this weight is a major challenge for many. Breast feeding is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. Breast feeding burns the extra calories. As the baby feeds, your body will draw on your stored reserves to produce milk. This will help you lose your weight faster.
Shrinksuterus to pre-pregnancy size
When you breast feed your baby, your body releases oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone that has any benefits. One of them is its effect on the uterus. It will shrink your uterus and help it to return to its pre-pregnancy size. This may also reduce uterine bleeding after birth.
Reduces the risk of cancers
Breast feeding plays a major role in reducing your risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers. Breast cancer is a leading cancer among women. You can reduce your chance developing it by simply feeding your baby.
Reduces risk of osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition where your bones lose calcium to become brittle. This condition sets in during menopause and cannot be cured, only managed. Breast feeding reduces your chance of developing osteoporosis.
Promotes bonding with your baby
The first few months are crucial for your baby. They decide how well adjusted your baby is in this new environment. Brest feeding provides the much-needed warmth and eye contact that establishes and reinforces the bond between you and your baby. This will help you develop a close bond with your baby that will last a lifetime.
Helps you relax and recoup your strength
Pregnancy, delivery and caring for a newborn are emotionally and physically draining periods. As a new mother you will require some quiet time to relax and regain your mental and emotional balance. Breastfeeding gives you this time. As you gaze at your infant, establish eye contact and hold her close, your stress melts away. This is a powerful way to center your soul.
Saves time and money
So anyway you look at it, breastfeeding is the best habit you can cultivate when your baby is born. You may need guidance in the initial stages and we are ready to help.
Dr. Rela Hospital is a certified Baby Friendly Hospital. We provide extensive support to young mothers to help them through the initial period of breastfeeding. Nutrition advice, lactating guidance and counselling and help when you genuinely have a lactating problem are all available from experts.