Dr. Gomathy Narasimhan is a Liver and Kidney Transplant Surgeon. She completed her surgical training at Madras Medical College, India. She then got her multi-organ transplant training from Baylor University, Dallas, Texas and living donor liver transplant training from Japan. She has over 20 years of experience in liver and kidney transplant surgery and has been an integral part of Prof.Mohamed Rela’s team since 2009. She also has a healthcare management degree from IIM Bangalore.
Educational Qualifications
MBBS 1996, Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai, India
MS 2001, Madras Medical College, Chennai, India
ASTS Fellowship (USA) 2006, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
GMHE (IIM -B) – 2019
Clinical Expertise
Experience in the field of Transplantation since 2001
Combined Liver Kidney Transplantation in Adults and Children
Special Interest in Primary Hyperoxaluria
Honors and Awards
Young Investigator Award – ASI (2001 -India), CAST (2003- Malaysia), ILTS 2016 (Seoul)
Woman Leader in Transplantation – Prestigious International Award by TTS (The Transplantation Society) in September 2022 at the annual TTS conference at Argentina
Vocational Excellence Award – Rotary International 2022
La Renon Tanker Foundation “ For the Sake of Honor Award” in Jan 2023
Academic Work
Multiple presentations as Invited Speaker in national and International meetings/ CME lectures
Research and Publication
Text Book Chapters 8
Publications (National and International) – Over 70