
Obstetrics Service

Obstetrics is the field of study pertaining to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. It is a crucial phase in a woman’s life and our specialized obstetricians and gynaecologists ensure the mother and the baby receive the best treatment, in the most memorable phase of a woman’s life.

Some of our specialties include managing high risk pregnancies like placenta previa, preeclampsia, multiple pregnancies, intrauterine growth restriction, pregnancies complicated by medical illness like hypertension, diabetes, anaemia, advanced age, etc.

Regular antenatal classes are conducted, where we counsel our pregnant women about the importance of proper nutrition and exercise. We provide the best care tailor-made to an individual mother’s clinical needs.

We get started as early as preconception planning and go all the way till you carry home your bundle of joy.

Our obstetricians are well-experienced and skilled in handling:

  • Normal Delivery
  • Caesarean Delivery
  • Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)

We are known as the hospital that gives preference for normal delivery in Chennai. The soon-to-be-mother is clearly explained about what to expect during labour and delivery. Some women opt for epidurals to alleviate the pain and the soon-to-be-father is allowed to stay with the patient during the event to give her moral support.

Our Facilities

We are well supported by medical and surgical intensive units with 24-hour blood banking services, imaging (ultrasound, CT, MRI), laboratories, and state-of-the-art ORs.

We also house a tertiary level neonatal intensive care unit, which deals with extreme prematurity and difficult problems in the new-born, making us the Best Maternity Hospital in Chennai.


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What is the right age for pregnancy?

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Women’s Day 2020

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CME Program On Imaging In Pregnancy

CME Program On Imaging In Pregnancy

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Inauguration of Labour Ward at Rela Hospital

Inauguration of Labour Ward at Rela Hospital

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