
Surgical Operative Services


Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that is done through small incisions in order to look at organs in the abdominal region and then diagnose the condition, for further treatment. In certain cases, laparoscopy is also done to treat the conditions like abdominal scar tissues, adhesions, pelvic infections, endometriosis, etc.

At Dr. Rela Institute we undertake the following Laparoscopy surgeries: –

  • Diagnostic Laparoscopy – To rule out reasons for infertility
  • Adhesions release
  • Ovarian Cyst removal
  • Treatment for all tubal pathology
  • Uterine surgeries
  • Endometriosis – Diagnosis, Laser therapy, Chocolate Cyst removal
  • Fibroid removal
  • Adenomyoma removal
  • Tubal recanalization


Under Hysteroscopy, the fertility specialist looks inside the uterus to diagnose the reasons behind failed implantation, any congenital defects and space. A minimally invasive procedure, it is done either under general anesthesia.

Evidence states Pre IVF / ICSI Hysteroscopy helps in ruling out undiagnosed polyps and improves the success. Some of the common hysteroscopy procedures done at Dr. Rela Institute include: –

  • Hysteroscopy Endometrial Biopsy
  • Polypectomy
  • Myomectomy (Sub Mucus)
  • Septal resection – Uterine anomaly correction
  • Tubal block removal by Cornual Catherization
  • Metroplasty
  • Endometrial resection
  • Cervical stenosis – Dilatation & resection


Myomectomy is done for the patient suffering from uterine fibroids, usually for the benign or non-cancerous ones. It is a surgical procedure, done generally in the patients in reproductive age. It is conservative procedure done for infertile patients to ensure that the uterine is intact. This procedure can be done either through laparoscopy or open surgery based on the conditions of the patient and status of the fibroids.

With the advancement of technology and techniques in this field, the myomectomy can be done as a day care procedure, subject to conditions.

Tubal Cannulation

Tubal Cannulation is done in the case of blocked fallopian tubes. This procedure clears the blockages, opening the fallopian tubes making them patent again. This gives a good chance for the patient to try natural conception, who otherwise shall require IVF / ICSI. Success of this procedure depends on: –

  • Type and site of the block
  • Health of the tube
  • Age of the patient
  • Presence of previous adhesions or surgeries


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