
Conservative Dentistry- Preserving tooth structure

As the name implies, this aspect of dentistry deals with dental cavity management and other tooth structure loss problems. At Rela Hospital, It is treated using the new age tooth coloured filling materials with adequate strength. The commonly used materials are..

  • Composite- A white tooth coloured filling used in both front and back teeth
  • GIC – A fluoride (cavity fighting mineral) releasing material mainly used for cavities in back teeth and areas near the gum line.
  • RMGIC- A material which combines both the properties of composite and GIC.



Dental aligners Part 2 | Dr. Deepa Kumaran

Dental aligners Part 2 | Dr. Deepa Kumaran

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Dental Aligners Part 1 | Dr. Deepa Kumaran

Dental Aligners Part 1 | Dr. Deepa Kumaran

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