
Addressing pregnancy anxieties

September 22, 2020

Addressing pregnancy anxieties
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Pregnancy should be a time of pleasant anticipation. It should be spent in a positive frame of mind. This will keep you and your baby in the best of health, but for many women, this is difficult. If you are pregnant and your mind is filled with unexplained dread or feelings of baseless anxiety, you are not alone. You may worry about every minor ache and discomfort fearing the worst. You may genuinely have some medical problem that keeps you awake at night. Or you may fear the prospect of a natural child birth. Whether the reasons are real or just in your head, they have to be addressed to ensure your health.

Here are a few ways to overcome your worries.

Talk your worries away.

Find a confidant, a friend or a family member to whom you can talk about your fears. Talking and discussing will bring you great relief.

Do something

Engage in some pleasant activity to take your mind off your worries. Being active is the best way to cope with anxiety.

Control your mind

Practice meditation, do yoga, think positive thoughts. Keep your mind occupied with positive things to keep it under your control.

Sleep well

During your pregnancy, you will have to sleep a full 8 hours. If you are sleep deprived, then your body will start revolting. When your mind is fatigued, it will fill itself with thoughts of gloom and doom.

Take positive action

Go to childbirth classes, talk to other pregnant women, discuss your fears with other mothers. Their experiences will reassure you. Childbirth classes will provide you with means to cope with physical and psychological stresses.

Get profession help

While a little worry is natural during pregnancy, full blown panic attacks are not. If you feel anxiety is taking over your life, you should get professional help. Consult a Psychiatrist/Psychologist. Anxiety causes many hormonal changes in your body and these are harmful for your baby.

Control your anxiety, have a healthy pregnancy.

Disclaimer: We recommend consulting a Doctor before taking any action based on the above shared information.


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