

Dr. Kalaivani Ganesan

Dr. Kalaivani Ganesan

MBBS, MD (Ped), Fellowship in Ped Nephrology (ISPN and The Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University)

Paediatric Nephrology, Renal Sciences

Paediatric Nephrologist - Visiting Consultant

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Educational Qualifications

  • Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai, MBBS, 2006
  • RMMCH, MD in Paediatrics, 2011
  • Mehta Children’s Hospital, Chennai, Fellowship in Paediatric Nephrology, 2015

Research and Publication


  • Nocturnal enuresis. Prabha .S, Kalaivani Ganesan. Journal: Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics. 2017.
  • Vesicouretric reflux. Kalaivani Ganesan, Prabha S. 3rd Speciality edition, Indian Pediatrics, 2017
Chapters in Textbook:
  • UTI and VUR- Textbook of Fundamentals of Pediatrics
Paper Presented:
  • Congenital nephrotic syndrome-Organized and presented in City Nephro meet- Mehta hospital Sep 2013
  • A boy with dents disease-  City pediatric meet at KKCTH, Aug 2015
  • Pigment nephropathy and Band keratopathy-Organized and presented in City Nephrology Meet, Mehta hospital Nov 2015
  • Growth and renal function of children with posterior urethral valves – five years post surgery follow up.(co author) Poster at Cape Town in ISN Conference on 16th March 2016
  • Renal stone disease profile in children (co author). ISNPNCON 2015. Jaipur
  • Received (co author) Dr V Balagopala Raju Award – Urotherapy and laxatives in childhood bladder and bowel dysfunction – A success story at Mamalla Pedicon 2016 on 14th Aug 2016
  • Oral presentation –Profile and outcome of children with infantile nephritic syndrome- ISNSC Conference, Trichy
  • Clinical spectrum, management and follow up of children with bladder and bowel dysfunction – a prospective study. (co author). Poster at Brazil in 17TH Congress of IPNA on Sept 24-26 2016
  • Hypernatremia management – Slow and steady wins the race – Poster at ISPNCON 2016 at Bhubaneshwar on Dec 10th 2016 (co-author)
  • Clinical spectrum of CAKUT and their outcome – 5 year retrospective study at ISPNCON 2016 at Bhubaneshwar on Dec 10th 2016 (co-author)
  • Predictive factors for short stature in children with CKD on conservative management at ISPNCON 2016 at Bhubaneshwar on Dec 10th 2016 (co-author)
  • Won 2nd prize -Bowel bladder dysfunction – clinical spectrum and  outcome of urotherapy and laxatives at ISNSCCON 2017 at Puducherry on 12th Feb 2017
  • Antenatal hydronephrosis – short term outcome at ISNSCCON 2017 at Puducherry on 12th Feb 2017 (co-author)
  • Part of the team to initiate CAPD and CRRT programme
Guest lectures delivered:
  • Talk on “Enuresis- is it a parental anxiety   – Nephro-Uro meet with IAP-CCB at Dr Mehta Childrens Hospital on 7th Feb 2016
  • Talk on Urinary tract infection-Raja Muthiah Medical College , Chidambaram on Oct 2015
  • Talk on “ Microscopic hematuria-How to approach?” in NEPHKIDS 2016 at Chennai on Oct 2nd 2016
  • Talk on The role of pediatricans in prevention and progression of chronic kidney disease in IAP Trichy chapter-Pediatric nephrology CME on 5th March 2015
  • Talk on Urinary tract infection and Obesity and chronic kidney disease at Raja Muthiah Medical College , Chidambaram on June 7th 2017
  • Talk on “ Neonatal acute kidney injury” in NEPHKIDS 2017 at Chennai on July 29th 2017
  • Talk on “Immunisation in nephrotic syndrome and CKD” in NEPHKIDS 2018 on July 30th 2018
  • Talk on Renal replacement therapy in 20th National Conference on Pediatric Intensive Care 15th November 2018
Organization Experience: 
  • Organized and conducted quiz in March 2014 as a part of World Kidney Celebration
  • Educational Ambassador program – Dr.Dwarakanathan, Head – Home Independent dialysis, Transition Services, Metro North Hospital, Brisbane, Australia
  • Visited Dr.Mehta’s Children’s Hospital in Sept 15 for a week
  • Joint Organising secretary for CME on Optimising management in renal disorders at Mehta Auditorium.
  • The ISN – SRC program (Level B) with Home Independent dialysis, Transition Services, Metro North Hospital, Brisbane, Australia
  • Joint Organising secretary for NEPHKIDS 2016 & 8th Dr BRN oration on Oct 1st & 2nd  2016 in Chennai
  • Part of the team to initiate CAPD and CRRT programme
  • Joint Organising secretary for NEPHKIDS 2017&9th Dr BRN oration on July29&30th  2017 in Chennai
  • Team member to have won world kidney day award 2017  on theme “Lifestyle care for precious pair”
Community works:
  • Organized World Kidney Day celebration and Walkathon for social awareness in March 2016 themed Kidney disease and children -Act early to prevent it.
  • Involved in free urinary screening programme and counseling session for school children, 2016 as part of world kidney day
  • Organized World Kidney Day celebration and Walkathon for social awareness in March 2017 themed Kidney disease and obesity-Healthy life style for healthy kidneys
  • Organised a awareness program and talk on community health at Chidambaram and Cuddalore June 7th 2017
  • Delivered a public talk in All India Radio(AIR) on 27th June 2017
  • Organized World Kidney Day celebration and Walkathon for social awareness in March 2018 themed Kidneys and women’s health-Include,value,empower
  • Organised awareness street play and drawing competition in association with DG Vaishnav college as part of  World Kidney Day 2018


  • Mehta Children’s Hospital, Chennai, Consultant in Paediatric Nephrology, From Jan 2018
  • Mehta Children’s Hospital, Chennai, Junior Consultant in Paediatric Nephrology, Jan 2017-Jan 2018
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