Dr. T. Deepashree
Interventional Radiology and Imaging Services
Senior Consultant and Clinical Lead
Book an AppointmentBrief Profile
- European board-certified Interventional radiologist holding EBIR qualification and who underwent training in radiology at Yorkshire deanery, United Kingdom and has obtained her Radiology FRCR qualification from Royal college of radiologists, United Kingdom.
- She has also practiced as general physician with a royal college qualification of MRCP prior to obtaining her radiology qualification, hence has a wider perspective from clinicians’ point of view.
- She was chosen as an international scholar to represent India in 2015 at Society of Interventional Radiology Meeting, Atlanta, USA.
- Professional development advisor at IRIA, Indian radiological imaging association and also coordinates activities and organizes teaching sessions for post graduates as part of Chennai Interventional radiology Forum – called as MIRACLE (Madras Interventional Radiology Circle)
- Performed over 1800 transarterial chemo-embolisations, over 200 uterine artery embolisations and several other vascular and non-vascular radiological procedures.
Educational Qualifications
- MBBS 2000, Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, India
- MRCP 2005, Royal College of Physicians, London, UK
- FRCR 2010, Royal College of Radiologists
- EBIR (European Board of Interventional Radiology) 2012, College
- PG Cert 2008, Health Research, University of Leeds
- CCT 2012, General Medical Council, UK
Clinical Expertise
- Non-surgical trauma and emergency management – embolization in bleeding cases
- Non-surgical tumor management – embolization and ablation
- Non-surgical Pain management – minimally invasive injections and RF ablation
- Management of male and female infertility and uterine fibroid non-surgical treatments
- Non-surgical Treatment of varicose veins, prostate hypertrophy and leg ulcers
- Chemotherapy lines and port insertions by minimally invasive approach
- FNAC’s, Biopsies and drainages
Research and Publication
Research/Project work
- Ongoing research: Ethics approval obtained – Role of combination PET- CT / MRI in detecting lesions (HCC) prior to liver resection
- Principal Investigator – Role of MAXIO (Robotic machine for CT guided procedures) – Validating its role. This has brought FDA approval following this research project held at global health city, Chennai. May 2014
- Transarterial chemoembolization of Hepatocellular carcinoma- survival outcome in 90 patients from a single centre UK study- June 2012, accepted for oral presentation in November 2012 at British society of interventional radiology (BSIR)
- CT Head Reduction of Dose in Paediatric Population at Bradford Teaching Hospitals (2009-2010)
- Completed a re-audit and presented results in a clinical governance meeting in September 2009 and RCR audit forum in May 2011
Radiology presentations
- GIRS 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
- ISVIR 2016, 2017
- BRACE Conference, 2017-10-19
- RAIN Conference- 2017
- IRIA State Chapter Meet- August 2017
- RCR audit forum, RIBA, London (2011)
- Discrepancy Meeting, Leeds General Infirmary (2010)
- UKRC (2010)
- CT Paediatric Head Doses Re-audit, Bradford Teaching Hospitals (2009)
- Skull Anatomy, St James’ Hospital (2008)
- Renal Embryology, Hull Royal Infirmary (2008)
- Anatomy & Pathology of Mediastinum, Hull Royal Infirmary (2008)
- Anatomy of the Foot, Hull Royal Infirmary (2007)
- National Audit of Diagnosis of Lung Cancer on Chest Radiography (2006)
- Audit on CTPA in Pulmonary Embolism, Calderdale Royal Hospital (2005)
- National Audit on CT Brain in Head Injury as per NICE Guidelines & its Impact on the Workload of Radiology Department, Huddersfield Royal Infirmary (2005)
- CT Chest in Lung Cancer Patients on Active Monitoring (2005)
- The utility of ultrasound guidance in trans jugular liver biopsy: our experience Bibin Sebastian, SoumilSinghal, SandeepBotcha, RohitMadhurkar, DeepashreeThiruchunapalli, angeriaChinnappaUthappa, Abdominal Radiology (2018)
- Radial artery access- submitted and accepted for publication in 2018 – JCIR
- V Rachapalli, M Palaniswamy, DeepashreeThiruchunapalli, S Inuganti, S Chappiidi, MC Uthappa. Role of interventional radiology in the management of pelvic vascular emergencies. CIRSE, 2017- DENMARK
- V Rachapalli, M Palaniswamy, DeepashreeThiruchunapalli, S Inuganti, S Chappiidi, MC Uthappa. How to perform hepatobiliary and gastrointestinal interventions using a transradial approach, CIRSE 2017- DENMARK
- M Palaniswamy, V Rachapalli, DeepashreeThiruchunapalli, S Inuganti, S Chappiidi, MC Uthappa. Microwave ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma – A single institution experience
- M Palaniswamy, V Rachapalli, DeepashreeThiruchunapalli, S Inuganti, S Chappiidi, MC Uthappa. Role of interventional radiology in Budd-Chiari syndrome
- M Palaniswamy, V Rachapalli, DeepashreeThiruchunapalli, S Inuganti, S Chappiidi, S Jaganathan, MC Uthappa. Technique of transradial approach for hepatobiliary and gastrointestinal interventions
- Annals of Hepatology, Combination of TACE and sorafenib improves outcomes in BCLC Stage B/C of HCC, a single centre experience. March – April, Vol 16, No.2 , 2017-10-19
- Interventional news article on SIR –society of interventional radiology October 2014
- Puppala, Sapna&Thiruchunapalli, Deepashree&Tingerides, Constantinos&Zhong, Jim & Raj, K. (2013). Transarterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma: Outcome in 90 patients from a single UK centre.
- Renal stents- published e-medicine 2012
- Complicated Type B aortic dissection. Cardiology News, (Vol 14, No 3) Feb/March 2011
- Subdural Empyema, Eurorad, http://www.eurorad.org/Case no 4438 (2010)
- An ALL-consuming case, Arch Dis Child EducPract Ed. 2011 Feb;96(1):31-6. Epub 2010 Jul 30.
- Rare Case of Cryptococcal Meningitis in a Splenectomised Patient, J Infect. 2007 Dec;55 (6):566-8. Epub 2007 Oct 1.
- Abstract submitted to CIRSE on CT guided robotic interventions
- Case report on Hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm post RFA – submitted to CVIR
Poster Publications
Small things make Big difference, RCR (2010), Commended poster in RCR Ansell audit prize competition 2010.Presented at RCR Audit Forum held at Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA, London) in May
Complications of BCGosis, UKRC (2010)
Academic achievements
- Chosen as an International Scholar representing India for Society of interventional radiology annual meeting held at Atlanta, Georgia, USA – March 2015
- Poster prize winner of T.E.A.M meeting- March 2012. Sub-segmental hepatic arterial anatomy on digital subtraction angiography
- Commended Poster prize winner- Ansell RCR audit prize competition- RCR (2010)
- 2nd Prize-Quiz, Emergency and trauma imaging course Leeds Teaching Hospitals (2009)
- 1st Prize – A& E Red dot course – Northwick park Hospital, London (2007)
- MBBS – 1st Prize in ENT, Ophthalmology & Preventative Medicine; 1st Class in Anatomy, Biochemistry, Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics/Gynaecology; Distinction in Microbiology
- Gold Medal in SSC (Class 10) for topping the School
- 2000 to 2012 National Health Service, UK
- October 2012 to December 2014 Senior Consultant- Global Hospital, Perumbakkam, Chennai
- Dec 2014 to August 2018 Head of the Department of Interventional Radiology and Senior Consultant, Interventional Radiology, Global Hospital, Perumbakkam, Chennai