
Infrastructure & Technology

The department of Surgical Oncology boasts of the best infrastructure and technology. The constant advancements in the field of technology are implemented to provide best results for patients with cancer.

Robotic Oncology Surgery

Robotic Oncology Surgery with the da Vinci system promises a high definition and a minimally invasive alternative to open surgery and laparoscopy. Robotic surgery only requires a few tiny incisions and offers great vision, precision, and control for the doctors. The patients have been seen to recover sooner and move on to other additional treatments if in case they need any and get back with their daily life quicker.

At Rela, robotic surgery enables an efficient operation to be performed keeping the nerves and other critical structures intact because of better visualization.

Some of the important benefits of this technique include:

  • Significantly reduced pain
  • Lower risk of complications or infections
  • Less blood loss (Fewer Incisions made)
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Equivalent cancer cure rates as open surgery.


Rela Hospital Treats 83-Year-Old Man with Rare Combination of Rectal and Breast Cancers

Rela Hospital Treats 83-Year-Old Man with Rare Com...

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